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Kaibab - Counting Down

You have my # and I'll be offline after I type this, call me until 10:30 pm.
I work @ 10 am tomorrow so call me b4 9:30 am
I did not know if you meant for me to call you tonight or during the day?

Call me please, Thanks.

JD, bailing wire might not help your car
Well, crap.. he's gone and I don't have his number here..

JD,, got the bailing wire,, also got home made salsa and tortillas, some Elk fajitas, and a couple of extra fancy elk steaks. Of course Waldo is coming with us.. Got the rest of the hunting garb washed last night and got everything in boxes and secure. Got one more round at the range scheduled and then I should be complete.

This is almost more work than it's worth............NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck and have a great trip, Dan. If you don't, it wasn't because of poor planning! ;)

Good luck. I'm with you on that one dan, getting everything ready, the schemin' and dreamin' is a BIG part of the fun.
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by danr55:
Well, crap.. he's gone and I don't have his number here..

JD,, got the bailing wire,, also got home made salsa and tortillas, some Elk fajitas, and a couple of extra fancy elk steaks. Of course Waldo is coming with us.. Got the rest of the hunting garb washed last night and got everything in boxes and secure. Got one more round at the range scheduled and then I should be complete.

This is almost more work than it's worth............NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can i come?? I will just stay in camp and gaurd your salsa and elk stakes..... really, i wont touch them......really...
Well folks, like dan I am getting ready for the kaibab.
Going up on this Thursday to join Dan in what sounds like an incredible hunt.
Snowed on the plateau last thursday night while we got rain down here.
Still looking for the right truck to buy b4 I go. No luck finding one in my price range.
Looks like I'll have to drive the car or take my dads 2wd toyota up there.
Got all the gear ready, checked the scope on the 30-06 and boy is my shoulder sore. Finally got a recoil pad

Leaving about 4:30 am and should meet Dan around noon. Hunt starts the next day @ 3 am, Getting up and in the stand that is.

Got the buck fever running through my viens at breakneck speed now. Even dreaming of the big one.
Talk to you all later this week or when we get back.
Good luck and straight shooting to all those fortunate enough to go out this year.
Well, the time is almost here.
Bought my truck tonight, Chevy, Z71 4wd 3dr, 5.3L, AT.
Going to pick it up tomorrow after work and then start loading it for Thursday morning departure to the great white north kaibab.
Wondering if I'll find Danr55 and his partner frozen in up there or not.
Good luck Dan and Mtman!......knock 'em dead guys!...LITERALLY!

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