PEAX Equipment

Just for fun...


New member
Nov 28, 2001
I have been stirring the pot on another board a little... ;)

Of course I am not one well known for stirring the pot, but I would like every one to see a coupld of the posts that have come up out of it..

I bring it here only because it is entertaining and thought a few would get a little laugh at it...

I have omitted names to protect the innocent, and after you read the posts, I believe you will agree... :D

I didn't post this first one, but it is the one that got me to thinking.. :)

Huh? Old forest used to be young forest...

By 'protect' do you mean preserve from change?

How can you do that?

If you could, how do you decide what needs to be preserved, and what needs to change?

I'm pretty sure he means, Keep it from being cut down by humans. You are correct, it would be impossable to keep a forest from changing but we can try to keep greedy people from cutting them all down to build shopping malls and Wallmarts.

This is the guy we need to watch...
preserve from deforestation"

you can preserve a forest it is a un-edning cycle, when not fooled around with by us. not to start an argument but i find that to be a very narrow minded statment.

This is where I step in..

Any areas these places will be built isn't where the older forests are at...

I would ask a very basic and simple question, I know a few of you think that utilizing a renewable resource and making a profit is worse than evil,

1. What is one of the main ingredients in soft plastics???

2. What does it take to make aluminum as thin as it is in most products???

3. How many of these products do you use every day???

I will state this very plainly:

It is kind of hypocritical to bash those natural resources that are utilized by yourselves, and those "Greedy" business people that garner the products that are woven into your every day lives to the point non here can say they don't use them.

I see it that if you are going to bash those individuals or companies who put these products into your houses. You need to stop utilizing "Every thing" that they produce, or your whines and complaints are as empty as that area between the moon and Mars...

If the argument is that we need to preserve every thing, then it is also the opposing view that those wanting to shut any utilization of the natural products harvested from Mother Earth need to start with themselves and show that they really mean it, not just spout heart felt empty drivel.

I'm not getting down on any one here; I just want them to understand that I have seen huge volumes of people speaking with their hearts and not with their heads, accomplishing nothing in the end but warm fuzzy nothings.

It is so very easy to parrot what one sees in the news media and go along with the rot, it is another to educate yourself as much as you can on the subject before making grandiose statements that feel good but are worthless and no use to any one but themselves and those who blindly follow the lies...

This guy is the jerk I have already laid into once.. now he states his cases but isn't quite so snotty about it...


Well I agree with you here. We DO have to change our lifestyles.

I clicked, nevertheless

I can't honestly say I don't buy anything, and even if I didn't, I'd still have an impact on nature, just by -- for example -- hunting and gathering. But I DO try and lessen my impact on nature in many ways :

- I drive a small car, as little as possible and slowly. For example when I go to town I bring along the neighbors, so we save a car ride, etc.
- I buy organic food, with as little packaging as possible.
- I'm not buying all the stupid crap the ads tell me about...
- I grow my veggies, and compost all I can...
- I've got solar panels on the roof (not 100% clean but still much better than nuclear powered watts...)
- I do use tupperwares and steel and aluminum, but nothing disposable...
- etc.

It's not perfect, but it's a start. And I think that when most customers will choose organic stuff, and prefer less packaging and more ethically-produced goods, the companies will adapt in order to preserve their share of the market. In that way, we DO have some power over those things, collectively.

Now comes on our funny guy trying to get his 2 cents in... :)

that is great moine i am glad you are taking it to that extreme to keep the world we live on the way it should be. to bad there are not many of people like you out there. they would rather drive a excursion and go hunt bears(bears are one of the only natural predators to dear, which are growing like wild fire) and the wonderfull world of corporate america not spending a nickel to protect our environment. i love the clean air act also, more mercury!

Next guy

I've watched to many forests in NY go from thousands of acres to only a few acres spread over a large area. It's kinda sad seeing housing developments being built on the woods you grew up in.

Now another one comes on in defence of his budies..

Why save a for a forrest that I will not see? Why bother? After all one
poster did indeed point out that many products come from the things
that will be produced out of that forrest?

That being said I think it will come to nothing for the simple fact being that eventually that forrest will be logged
but not as easily as it would be if someone hadn't pointed the problem out.

I had to come back from these reeling slams these guys were laying out.. I couldn't hardly stand the ass wuppin I was getting...

Yes... I would suppose I am that one poster...

Just a little history from my stand point...

This is a topic that can touch a nerve in pretty much any one.

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, have logged over a quarter million board feet myself, taken out over a quarter million trees, and didn't even make a dent in the tree population in that area, not even close.

While it is good to "Save the environment" or the world for that matter.

This is a very renewable resource, plus if it is that big of a problem, there are many millions of acres that are up for sale that could be bought up and put into full protection thru private property rights...

Doing all the "clicking" is a great way to get a point across to people that may see it, it is far better to act in a higher level by getting up and doing what it takes with your own time and energy and not depending on others to do it for you...

This country has millions of acres tied up in areas that can't be touched by the all evil chain saw.

I would like to point out another thing about this country that has made it very strong...

It is the utilization of its natural resources...

Look at any "poor" third world country, they are that way because they have either squandered their natural resources, or more than likely, they just plain don't have any...

For those who don't like the fact that the population is growing, I can't help you with that at all, you will either have to learn to live with it, or live with a lump in your craw, no amount of clicking or any thing else will prevent the population to change...

What I would recomend is that you do as I did, get away from the high populated areas and move into a far more rural setting, if you dare that is.

This is the only way your going to have a piece of mind and live with yourselves in this ever growing world.

There are still places on this planet that house extremely low populations of people. That is where I would really recomend you move to get away from it all...

It is just plain silly to live in the middle of a huge populas and complain about it at the same time...

I understand fully that is the way of human nature, but the truth is the truth and hiding behind a heart felt lie doesn't do any one any good, especially yourselves..

Heres the last response from the funny guy... I know he is trying to help, but I wouldn't say he's doing a very good job and his buddies don't seem to be stepping in to help... Poor fellow... :D

see what we need to do is get off of our buts and find that one hospitable planet out there somewere.

that takes cooperation of many countries, and the downside of that is it isnt going to happen.

we are not going to be able to stay here much longer. so we should start now and not need to scramble for time.

most likely some of you will think the above it s bunch of BS but it very true.
-population problem solved

I hope a few of you enjoy the read...
OH MY!!!!! I have to agree with your points on this post elkchaser. I also have live in the northwest all of my life and I agree that there are ways to minimize the damage done by harvesting the natural resources and this argument will go on forever because as the saying goes "opinions are like A**holes, everyone has one!!!!"
Great post and thanks for sharing it
It will be fun to see what acually comes out of this one, I just posted another one to see if I could bait them into some thing better... :)

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