Just curious


New member
May 9, 2001
what everyone is doing for January 1st since it is a holiday and all?
For me I will be on the river in the snow and cold going after Steelhead,cant think of a better way to spend the day.Then maybe drink a few beers and watch some football.
Well, my deerseason has been over for about 2 1/2 hours now (at least legal light), so I'll watch some football and most likely end up shooting my bow for awhile.

Happy New Year all!!

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-31-2003 19:53: Message edited by: Racksup ]</font>
I think I might practice my wood burning, and get my dad all the beer he wants while he thinks he's on the side lines of every football game that's on. Other than that I will probably be online playing pool and causing problems...LOL LOL
Quick Draw
I have to keep my cousins that are 10 and 6 occupied. Sounds fun doesn't it?

But if I can get them to leave me alone for a while I might play with my new digital camera and try taking pictures with it through my spotting scope to see how well they turn out.
I think I will just stay home and get some R&R. The past two days have been hell with the snow and I am a little tired. I will probably go out and see the horse and give him a New Year's treat of grain. I hope all of you have a great day.
Janet and I did a 14 mile 4000ft return backpack just to clear a few cobwebs out, temp was up in the 90,s had to drink all the beer I had in the fridge to rehydrate.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-01-2004 11:55: Message edited by: kiwi hunta ]</font>
After working 16 hours in a totally full no empty beds hospital....I'm gonna go home and sleep. Then watch all the football I can.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-31-2003 23:51: Message edited by: huntrluvr ]</font>
I know I will go dove hunting in the afternoon tomorrow. It is too late to get up early in the morning. Just got out from under the mattress in the bathtub, now that all the gunfire has subsided from the New Years festivities. As Eddie Murphy would say in Trading Places, Merry New Year. Good Luck in 04, JLG.
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