JB Florida
New member
I bought this 416 Hoffman (like 416 remington magnum) from BbarC a while back.
Its really my sons rifle, but he let me try it out since he is 15 months old and does not yet weigh as much as the rifle & scope.
I finally had the chance to hunt with it and took a doe at 200 yards and the next morning I called in a nice 8 point and had a total pass-through (longways) at 25 yards.....It was thick in there!
I guess I can hand it over to him now but its really for his first cape buffalo hunt in 2017. I should probably be sure its enough gun for a buffalo first
I'll put up a pic of the buck I called in for my dad the next morning, I just whish it was on video, It was COOL!
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-28-2003 07:51: Message edited by: JB Florida ]</font>
Its really my sons rifle, but he let me try it out since he is 15 months old and does not yet weigh as much as the rifle & scope.
I finally had the chance to hunt with it and took a doe at 200 yards and the next morning I called in a nice 8 point and had a total pass-through (longways) at 25 yards.....It was thick in there!
I guess I can hand it over to him now but its really for his first cape buffalo hunt in 2017. I should probably be sure its enough gun for a buffalo first
I'll put up a pic of the buck I called in for my dad the next morning, I just whish it was on video, It was COOL!
<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 01-28-2003 07:51: Message edited by: JB Florida ]</font>