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Jury says Scott Peterson should die

This scumbag is not going to die any time soon. He will have endless appeals.

The California taxpayers will be paying his graybar motel and attorney's fees for a long time.

I agree with the jury, BTW. it will be interesting to see what they say when they are interviewed and what made them choose guilty and death.
I feel very generous this Christmas season to the people of CAl. hump hump Let me do the same to that scum sucking S.O.B and let me kill that worthless piece of chit :MAD :BLEEP: :BLEEP:

the death penalty should be given in cases like long as there is plenty of evidence to prove the guy did it....give him his appeal and do to him whats deserved.
It will be at least 10 years before he's executed - if he is. They would have done better to sentence him to Life. Then he would have been (at least eventually) in the general population in prison, and he would have been killed a lot sooner.... On death row, he has a private cell and all the comforts one can have in prison.
He'll never get the kinda punishment he deserves on this earth. When he's talking to God at judgement day, he will have alot of explaining to do! :MAD
I, for one, don't believe that he will be having that conversation nor any conversation with the Lord.....on the other hand, I think he will have ample time to spill the beans to someone in a little warmer climate :MAD
The creep showed no emotion or even acted as if he felt bad about the whole situtation... I'm sure the man in the warmer climate will arouse his emotions!!
He will surely burn!!
And they would save all of us a lot of taxpayer $$$$$...
Man, I'd furnish the bullets if that is the problem!!!
There should only be three sitting on death row.
The one sitting in the chair, the one peeking thru the window that is next and the one sitting in the cage waiting his turn.
Could do like the Germans did and just put um all in one room and gas the whole bunch of them at once, that would certainly save the tax payers plenty. Only need to buy enough gas to fill the room, heck, they do that already....
Don't get me wrong, I agree with the death penalty. But would you all feel so eager for it to be done if it was one your loved ones, a child, parent, sister/brother? Just curious.
I have a loved one (uncle) on death row, been there for 20 plus years and my opinion hasn't changed.
I like to keep this a black and white issue, if they are caught with the smoking gun and the pics to prove it. They made their bed, now they must sleep with it.
It is the laws of the land as we have set forth to keep this country connected with laws and rules to live by with repercussions on things if you cross the line.

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