Joining from WA (Soon to be ID)


Jan 27, 2012
My name is Scott and I am originally from Northern Idaho, Post Falls to be more specific. I was introduced to hunting by my step-father when I was younger. Even though I did go hunting with him, it was not a “HUGE” deal to me and I certainly did not venture out on my own. I then enlisted into the Army after graduating in 1995, where I spent the first nine years of my career in the Rangers, here in Tacoma, Washington. It was not till 2007 that I happened to be watching a hunting show on television while I was in Virginia at a two-month long course for a promotion. I called my step-dad at that time and said that I would like to get into hunting and that is where my addiction started. I hunted the 2007 season and made just about all the mistakes a person could make, which include a 6x6 bull elk, a monster whitetail and a cinnamon bear. I was deployed to Iraq in 2008 and was once again hunting in 2009. I quickly realized that hunting is where I found my “peace” with the rigors of the military lifestyle. Since 2009, hunting has been my passion and addiction. I retired from the Army in February 2020 after 24 years, 7 month & 7 days. I just got into waterfowl hunting after retiring, so that has also been an expensive hobby to get in to. I am still living in the Tacoma area, but my wife and I are in the process of making our way back to Idaho within a year.

As far as hunting, I believe that I do quite well because I believe in putting in hard work to find the animals. I generally keep a small circle of friends when it comes to hunting because it is hard to find hunters who are willing to put in the same (if not more) effort that I do. Over here in Washington, I have hunted primarily Roosevelt Elk, Columbia Blacktail Deer and Bear. I will try to post some pictures of a few of the animals that I have been fortunate to take. I look forward to reading all the stories and gaining insight on how to be a better hunter.

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