John Kerry Wasn't Hunting - He Was Killing


New member
Jan 2, 2004
Lakecity Minnesota
Of all John Kerry's flip-flops, Thursday's staged hunting trip in Ohio was certainly one of the biggest FLOPS. The effort to portray him as a "guy's guy" showed instead that John Kerry is still an elitist.

Most of us hunters struggle for access to quality hunting grounds. But because of his status as a senator and presidential pretender, Kerry easily found premium land on which to hunt -- in a state where he knows few people, never mind hunters.

John Kerry did no homework for his hunting trip -- no landowner contacts, no scouting trips, no dog training. He probably did not even buy his own camouflage jacket.

He probably could not recite the laws governing his hunt -- which means he did not read his Ohio Hunting Guide or the federal migratory bird rules.

John Kerry is a poster boy for the Humane Society of the United States and PETA - groups that object to hunters just walking out into the fields and shooting things.

What John Kerry did is not hunting -- it was killing.

John Kerry did not develop landowner relations. Where were the photos of Kerry thanking the family for permitting him the opportunity to hunt on their land? Where were the photos of John Kerry asking the farmer if he needs help with any chores or offering to share some of the rewards of the hunt? Then he says he is too lazy to carry his own game!

As a hunter, I have great respect and honor for the reward of the hunt, which is the game I take. That means carrying out my game, and it means properly cleaning and preserving (freezing) the meat for later dining pleasure.

Beyond hunting, there always must be reverence for the game -- otherwise you don't hunt with me. There is always a special place for the dogs (in my case, beagles) as my hunting partners.

John Kerry was out of sight of the photographers when the actual hunting took place. Did he shoot his geese? To me it is unethical for someone else to shoot part of your bag limit. Depending on the circumstances, it could be illegal. Did John Kerry display respect for the land by picking up his empty shotgun shells?

John Kerry is taking every photo opportunity to convince us that he is a regular guys who loves to hunt. But Kerry is missing the mark with true sportsmen and women of Ohio who understand that hunting is about more than waltzing into a state and killing a couple of animals an sacrifice for your political ambitions.

For me, hunting is about family and friends. I hunt with my children. I am a volunteer Ohio Hunter Education instructor. I have worked hard to teach proper respect and ethics to our young people as they take up hunting.

My daughter is featured on the front cover of the Ohio Hunter Education Manual. There is a photograph of me when I was about seven years old with my cousin and his beagle. He taught me about beagles and passed down a family tradition.

We gather around a table of venison, rabbit or pheasant and praise God for the bounties of this land and the opportunities we have to share our hunting experiences as family. That is what true sportsmen understand.

Far from showing he is a regular guy, Kerry is showing Ohioans he just does not understand these things. His trips afield for photo opportunities are as staged and fake as when he threw someone else's war medals away.

John Kerry is not connecting with the true sportsmen.
All I know whomever wrote this article is an assclown.

"Did he shoot his geese?"

WTF, last I checked ONE goose is not "geese"...

By the way, who cares if he hunted on good private ground? I wonder if the "author" is raking Cheney over the coals for his penned pheasant "hunt", excuse me, pheasant KILLING spree he took last year...which was paid for by campaign supporters????

The author needs to get a clue....and a life....
Originally posted by leftylock:
I wonder if he even had a hunting license???
yep he did. there was audio (probably video too) of him going into a Sporting goods store and asking the clerk "can I get me a hunting licence here?" Rush played this bite over and over, does anyone really think that kerry would ask that question that way unless he was trying to be a "regular guy"?
All he did was show that he thought hunters and people in the midwest either didn't know or use proper english.
So..... I want to know this :

"Kerry easily found premium land on which to hunt -- "

If he was opn Premium land, how come he only got 1 geese ?

Mars.... I think he was making fun of how I talk and type !!!! ;)
If Kerry is such a big bad great white hunter... how come he doesn't hunt every year? I think I read some place that he hadn't hunted in a long long time!

I think it's pretty funny how now when he's vying for the "hook and bullet" vote that he decides that he's a "hunter"... I wonder how his buddies at PETA and the Humane Society will feel about this?
Yoteler,great post.
John Kerry is about as far removed from the real world as it get's.
Bambistew, I'll bet he made a little deal with his animal rights friend's that he had act like he was a friend to hunter's in order to get into the whitehouse ,then things were going to change.
You know they aren't backing him for nothing.
Heck ,look at his voting record,it's all there,
is that a guy that is more friend to the hunter or anti-rights /non-hunter.
There is no balance to Kerry.
Thanks for the response. BuzzH I would love to you the individuals name and address that wrote the article but there is no need for that, the guy was just voiceing his thoughts on kerry and this incident. Bambistew I agree with you 100% for a guy to play a roll just to get a vote is horsepiss. What is the next thing, is he gonna go to NASCAR and drive one of there vehicles and then call himself a race car driver, well HECK HE DOSE IT ALL, give me a break. I would like to know what all his supporters think that are anti's in there personnal life that don't work for the companys that support these idiots, there probable thinking what a lying S.O.B, but then again maybe there use to it from hearing about all the medals he receive in the military. I personnly don't like the man because I feel he is a fake. Again this is my thoughts I am not hurting anybody so if you don't like, TUFF deal with it.
Cheney likes to shoot birds.

Kerry went "hunting" for one reason only, to try to fool as many people/sportsmen as possable into beliveing he is "one of them". It was a campain stunt, nothing else.
I find it offensive that a politcian would mock the sport (hunting) to try and win votes he otherwise wouldn't have.
Alright, not everyone is a Kerry fan to say the least, but can we agree the author doesn't seem to be the sharpest TOOL in the shed. :rolleyes: :D
I am not a John Kerry fan but the article is stupid.

He probably could not recite the laws governing his hunt -- which means he did not read his Ohio Hunting Guide or the federal migratory bird rules.
How many people can "recite" the hunting laws governing their hunting. Most would know the rules and what is right and wrong but willing to bet not one person can recite the laws.

Most of us hunters struggle for access to quality hunting grounds. But because of his status as a senator and presidential pretender, Kerry easily found premium land on which to hunt -- in a state where he knows few people, never mind hunters.

John Kerry did no homework for his hunting trip -- no landowner contacts, no scouting trips, no dog training. He probably did not even buy his own camouflage jacket.
Anyone on this board ever go on an outfitted/guided trip to hunt? If you did how many landowner contacts were you concerned with?

Again why are we worried about JFK hunting a Goose or perhaps Geese? What about his ultra liberal voting record in the senate? What about a twenty year senate career which has produced not one major piece of legislation that he introduced and got signed into law.

My 2 cents

Good points Nemont.
John Kerry's voting record is enough for me not to vote for him.
His record of voting in favor with The Humane society of the united states and other radical animal rights groups is enough for me.
He won't protect us as a nation let along help protect us from the loonies with-in .
He won't protect us as a nation
How does one know/prove that to be right or wrong? I'd say his record going into office (if elected) would be better than GWs was going into office.

miller- I agree, that shovel could see a file.

As far as politicians pandering to the crowd, what about GW speaking to a group of intellectuals?
IMO, he's not smart.
His record of not producing a single piece of major legislation in over 20 years of service? His record of voting against needed weapons/funds/systems for the military? :rolleyes: His record of flip-flopping in the wind, however the latest poll results go? His demonstrated anti-gun and anti-hunting votes, with his backing from HSUS?

I guess you must be talking about his record of 4 months' combat duty? ;)
Cali- I'd say his 4mos. makes him more qualified than GW was 4yrs ago. Also, maybe he wasn't voting against those bills but for the pork attached? I for one would like to see less money going for defence overseas and it being used on domestic issues and I don't think GW will be doing that if re-elected.

Nut- I do like that point. Look at many of the 'good' environmental things GW has done, Healthy Forest Iniative for example. He passed it, but no $$ has hit the ground yet. Sorta like the ATV issue, what is more laws without enforcement or follow through?
I think a lot of people will agree on the "more money on domestic issues" idea, until another 9-11 occurs. (Imagine a huge bomb at the World Series...) Then it will be back to "Why wasn't more done to stop them?"
Those domestic issues could and should include improving our defenses/intelligence in this country.

Just like being the World Series Champ, we are at the top of the heap and those below us will always be gunning to hurt us. Personally, I don't feel the war in Iraq will have any appreciable difference on terrorists. They have many other countries they can hide in and get funded (Saudi?).

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