JJHack info


Jun 15, 2006
Eagle River, Alaska
I am curious to know if the price's on your 7 day hunts include the trophy fee for the 4 animals taken during the hunt? I am also curious to know if you can hunt sable and if so, how big are they? Hunting season is pretty much over for me here in Alaska so I am doing a little dreaming about hunting Africa. Actually, I talked with the wife about this a few days ago and to my surprise, she was all for it. I have never hunted there before and after reading your website, it seems to me that you make it easy for us yanks to get there with relative ease, and thats a big plus for me. Also, how far out can a guy book a hunt with you? I have several hunts in the next year or 2 that I need to take care of with my wife so that comes first. Should I try and find another couple of people to go with us or is just the 2 of us ok? I'm sure you fill up fast anyways but I thought I would ask. Good luck in '07 with your hunts!!
Sorry I did not see this reply til today. I travel a whole lot and don't always get to check in here as often as I should.

I do booking about 10-12 months in advance maximum. I need to know the statuss of the situation and I cannot know that 2-3 years away. Also the airlines change schedules enough that trying to organise dates way out gets complicated. I usually take a verbal booking based on the month a guy wants to go for 2008 starting about now. Then when I come back from the hunting season in July (2007)I start calling them to take deposits for 2008.

A group of four hunters is needed to book the whole lodge to yourselves. Other wise I will have other hunters in the camp with you. You all hunt seperate, and have your own rooms, but share the lodge for dinner and visiting.

Each year is different. This was the fastest year I have ever fully booked the hunting. I was sold out by September. I added another camp and started to book some more hunts right away. I now have that camp almost full as well. I guess when you cover everything from airport pickup inside the customs and immigration area to gun permits and treat people the way you expect to be treated word gets around!

I never thought I would have had this level of success in my career. But It's been a really great last couple years.

The hunt package does include the trophy fees for the animals listed. Our sable will be in the 40" plus range. we have never to my knowledge killed one smaller then 40plus.

I would very strongly suggest you come four days early with a group and go to Kruger Park for a few days. Get your game eyes focused, the time change behind you and go through some game viewing with a tour that will just knock your socks off. It's also a big hit with the wives to see this. I have a Museum curator that was let go from the Pretoria Museum as one of Mandlals "better" ideas. Pieter is a weatlh of knowlegde on history, politics, nature, and culture of Southern Africa. He's also a licensed PH that works for me frequently. He runs a tour company and can drop you off after the park tour right at the lodge. He can handle a couple or a small group.

As long as people are asking questions, I wanted to ask one as well. My wife and I are considering a trip to your neck of the woods in the next 5 years. She is really big on sight seeing in Tanzania as we have some friends who have been there several times and loved it. I am more leaning towards RSA because of the opportunity to dive witht the great white sharks. Anyway, we may make a big 2-3 week trip out of it.

All of that aside, my big question is this. My wife is black and I am white. Is that going to be a problem??? I'm not trying to make any judgements but I know that the RSA doesn't exactly have a stellar past when it comes to racial equality (would that be an understatement?) I know things have changed, but do you think people's attitudes have? I know that it doesn't matter where you go because some people are going to look at us negatively, but I guess what I am wondering is if we are going to have a major problem traveling in that area of the world? Any info you could provide would be much appreciated. Please rest assured, that if we go through with this trip, I will be contacting you first for hunting opportunities.
If your wife is ok with the idea then nobody else is gonna even notice it. Especially in and around cape town. That is the most inter-racial area in the whole of Africa. It's also the most "gay" area as well. It's kinda like the SanFrancisco of South Africa I guess.

I would actually say that the population majority of Cape town is mixed race or what in South Africa is called "colored People" I know this term does not mean the same in the USA. In RSA it's not at all a derogatory statement.

Cape town is also the closest big city to the shark dives I have hooked people up with. Certainly one of the most exciting things I've ever done in my life! Being in that cage with a 14' great white (or bigger) bumping his nose against the cage is one hella big rush!

I respect your concern as it would be one I would have had as well if in the same situation. However it's not an issue, at least not in my camp it's not. I cannnot speak for the other outfitters. We have had so many kinds of people from Arabs, Indians, every ethnic group of Europe, south America, Heck I even had some Canadians! And even a couple from Louisiana!
Thanks a bunch, that is very reassuring. BTW, your website is very nice, good job.

I dove with some sharks,in a cage, while in Hawaii. They were 8-10 ft Gallapogos Island sharks. They weren't overly aggressive, but it was still quite the rush. I saw the Discovery Channel special on the South African Great Whites and told my wife, if we go to Africa, I gotta do that!!!
JJHACK said:
We have had so many kinds of people from Arabs, Indians, every ethnic group of Europe, south America, Heck I even had some Canadians! And even a couple from Louisiana!

Jim, which couple from Louisiana would that be?!!!:D :D :D :D
Nope, it's the way you take it. I simply stated that I had a couple from there. Actually I have had several married couples from there.

If the couples from Louisiana I have shared time with in a hunting camp are an indication of what the people of Louisiana are like, I could easily hunt with only those folks the rest of my life!

Two couples in particular Roger and Serena, and Keith and Jan were off the charts fun to be with during the hunting.
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