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Jim Zumbo is Dumbo

Buzz-Listen up now and I will type real slow. If a person does not assault something with a certain type of gun then is that an assault rifle? No it is just another semi-auto and mine even has a wooden stock and a scope so it looks just like your pea shooter. Now if you outlaw it for hunting big game then shouldn't you also outlaw any rifle that shoots the same caliber and holds five rounds? You are right on the razors edge of becoming Hillary Clinton. WTF difference does what the gun looks like have to do with whether it is proper to hunt with?????

Personally, I dont really give a shit what the firearm looks like...I also dont really give a shit personally if you want to strap a dead deer on the hood of your truck either.

However, when YOUR actions or YOUR choice in a hunting weapon creates an image that becomes offensive enough to non-hunters...I repeat lump me in with idiots like that and make them support ANTI-HUNTERS then something has to give. I will not compromise my right to hunt, just so a couple wanna-be-rambo's can play army with the wildlife.

I'll still support your right to play commando with the varmit poon-tang and washing long as your take your washing machine and associated parts home with you and dont leave them scattered on public lands.

I just wont be compromising my sport for your right to act like an asshole.
To non hunters pictures of you with your trophy, posted all over the internet, can be just as offensive as someone hunting with an "Assualt" rifle . where do you draw the line with the "non hunting public"? As a hunter you are already lumped in with the bubba's shooting deer over corn feeders and those shooting animals behind high fences, the non hunting public doesn't see a difference.

Actually, Hillary, I usually hunt with a bow for big game and when I do use a rifle it is a muzzy or a 30-06. Glad you are conjuring up that dangerous image of me though. You are real close to jumping on the dumbo/Brady bandwagon IMO.

You're right...and thats my point exactly.

I dont need to be lumped in with any more particular those that think assault rifles are great for big-game hunting.

As to the internet and hunting photos...this is a hunting site. If an anti-hunter goes to a hunting site and is offended...tough...they made the decision to look at a hunting site.

That being said, I would think that a non-hunter would be less offended by a hunting photo like those posted by greenhorn, oak, bambistew, etc. than those of say elkcheese. You know the ones where he's got his pants around his ankles, the calf on top of the cow.

I think you get the picture.

I have another example of how image is important. I work with a lot of non-hunters. I dont think their image of hunters and hunting are/were that great. In particular when one loud-mouth, drunken, monster truck driving Utard I also work with makes it a point to describe in detail how he blows the heads off coyotes, blasts deer at 500 yards, etc. know the type.

Lots of them ask if I am one of "those" type of hunters. I say absolutely not. Most of the people I work with are educated, most have degrees in Natural Resource fields...they understand the role hunting plays in herd management, funding for wildlife, etc.

I try to explain that most hunters are not idiots like my Utard co-worker. I explain that I always felt a bit of remorse for killing animals. I also explain that I grew up in a household and a state that held wildlife in high regard and how important hunting was to us. How I processes my own game, takes good care of it, etc. etc. etc. I've also given many of my co-workers elk/deer/antelope meat. I've also shared my photos with them as well...showing them the price thats paid for the steak on their plates.

Now, lets say that one day the right to hunt is put to public do you think many of them will vote?

I wouldnt blame them one bit for voting against hunting after having to listen to the loud-mouth Utard bragging about his latest shoot-out with wildlife.

I hope I've swayed at least a few of them to believe that not all hunters are idiots.

Anti-hunters are hopeless...their minds are made up. Non-hunters we still have a chance to influence.
Ringer...or should I say...Wayne LaPierre,

Not even close...

Like I've said, I fully support your right to own and shoot any firearm you want.

However, that right has nothing to do with your privilege of hunting.

I have a couple of friends from my Army days that live back east. Both are married to ladies who are at best naive about hunting. When I explained to one of them that I spent alot of time hunting she just about flipped over.

I showed her pics of my kids hunting, pics of the wide open spaces etc. etc. Talked about ethics, fair chase, and tradition. She just assumed we killed anything we saw including bambi.

Do you think that she cares if I used an AR 15 or Rem. 7RUM? She had already made up her mind.

Zumbi is an idiot.
We dont need to hunt with Sniper rifles either so we should ban any scoped guns for hunting. Hell, while we are at it lets just make a law that makes nothing but flintlock muzzel loaders legal. There are SOOOOOOOO many guys out there shooting up the hillsides with assult weapons during the elk season i am scared to go out there. WTF is wrong with him to even bring that shit up.
Here is another point. He calls weapons used by ragheads "terrorist guns"
Well the idiot probably has not heard that in the last couple month more US troops have been killed with bolt action, scoped rifles than AK47s. Its a fact that IRAN has been supplying insurgents with Steyr bolt action sniper rifles.
So lets ban any sniper rifle for hunting too, so lets all take our scopes off now because Zumbo dont like them.:rolleyes:
Am I the only one that didn't get upset about this? He gave his opinion on the matter, maybe i don't/do agree with it. Life goes on. He doesn't have the power to outlaw them, and obviously his readers have brains for themselves as is shown in the backlash he recieved.

This is a good thread with a lot of strong points from both sides, I look forward to future posts.
Could Jim Zumbo and the Dixie Chicks end up in the same Triva Pursuit question???? :D

I always found it funny that Mr. Zumbo hired a guide to hunt in his home state for both deer and elk. Quite the hunter... ;)

I want to see pics of Buzz in the ass-less pants! hump
Yea, it was just his opinion, but because he is a writer, and a celeb, he should and will be judged harder on his words than us.
Ithaca are you arguing with yourself again?? :D

Never cared much for JZ or his "insights" into hunting....but I do have a Jumbo story to share. I was hunting out of Heron (NE) Montana one year and was having a beer at the local tavern. Guy sitting next to me was a guide who had just had the "privilege" of guiding Mr. Z out of a nearby lodge. He was just ranting about what a self-important prick the dude was and said that on day 4 of his hunt he busted a decent 5x6 right in the middle of the gravel road leading into the lodge. Since he needed photos to go along with his "story" and since the road skirted a pasture on the downhill side, he had the guides (3) drag the bull up the cut bank above the road so that it "fit" better into the story he was soon to write!

Again, second hand stuff but, if true, what a horse's azzzzzzz!

If you base your decisions about outdoor writers on stories like would never pick up another hunting rag again.

They're all full of crap...every last one of them.
Buzz don't know who you are refering to as being full of crap- me, the barstool jockey, or Zumbo...hell maybe all three for that matter?

I realize that it well could have been a bit of bar fly banter but, given this guy’s mood, it “appeared” to be a bit more than a tale spun out of a tall cold one….he spoke of Jumbo with quite a bit of disdain.

That being said, I’m sure most writers have both vivid imaginations as well as a flair for the dramatic (not unlike some who post here…) or I’d doubt they’d sell many of those rags to those who like to live their lives through the exploits of others…that’s as good a reason as any that I don’t subscribe to most of that crap, that and most run 30-40% advertising filler!
Buzz don't know who you are refering to as being full of crap- me, the barstool jockey, or Zumbo

Marv, you being full of crap goes without saying....... i believe Buzz was refering to outdoor writers .

drag the bull up the cut bank above the road so that it "fit" better into the story he was soon to write!

the gravel road wouldnt look good in the field picture.
no big deal.
I edited out what I posted above because it was hammering Zumbo and most other hunting article writers as being full of BS. It kinda goes with the profession.

I've hunted with a few well known outdoor/hunting writers. One was the laziest guy I ever saw around camp, hunting, and helping pack out the meat after he finally shot something. Only reason he managed to shoot something was I did everything but pull the trigger for him. A couple others weren't even what I'd call a half way good hunter.

Dwight Schuh, though, is the real thing. He hunts hard and has no reservations about spending a nite or two in the woods without much in his pack when he's after an animal. I was impressed by his determination and ethics.
Thanks for clearing that up JB...guess you knowing that refutes everyone else thinking that you don't know shit! ;) :D

I don't belive the photo op was as much the point as was the fairytail story that likely followed :rolleyes:
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