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Jackson elk run...

Nice picture's, Thankx for posting

You have such a cute girlfriend :D ;) :D
Bout time you put up the pics of your main squeeze. I can't believe that yahoo cut the elk out of the picture. Next time hold her out a little farther to make her look bigger. :D Just wondering why you weren't holding her out that far when you were behind her. ;)
TK, you should see that boy run. I was waiting to see his clothes come off and see him in a red & blue spandex suit with a big R on the front of it. :D
It was a really great hunt. One thing I notice that Russ failed to mention was that all of his running was done in about two feet of snow. Some soft, some crunchy. I was doing well just to walk in it. That young man is in great shape.......

Congratulations Russ.. If I ever hunt that hunt again, it will be time for kevlar skivvies.................:cool:
2' of snow .. HOLEY COW !! :eek: MAybe some of it melted by the time you took the pictures ;) HEHE

All Chittin' aside, Congrats on the ELK !!! looks like you guys have had a blast. I'm telling my wife thats next to me that she's in trouble for not letting me go

HEY ELKCHSR, was that shirt on Backwards in the 2nd picture ? Looks like the CIRCLE is on the wrong side....Either that or Bill did some Digital swapping....

NOW, Were is that picture of you "BEHIND" the elk bud..... Will that be in the contest :cool:

I tell you what, I'd jsut asume hunt the backcountry then Combat hunting, BUT I guess whatever it takes to get one, And you did it, KUDOS !!!!
Thanks again all...It was fun and I would recomend it for any one that wants to put an elk in the freeze. The price is right, as long as the game dept. doesn't change their prices..Sorry Moosie, we didn't get any pics of the mating scene, should have I suppose, I don't know what the game warden would have said..LOL...Walmart screwed up the negatives and made it backwards... :D :D :D
Believe me Moosie, if I got a picture of him behind it, it would not have been a pretty sight. :D But I am sure it would have made you proud too :D

Dan is 100% right when he says that Russ is in shape. If ever you need someone to climb a mountain in snow to push the elk down to you, he is the one you need. You did good Russ.
Thanks Bill and Kevin..
I suppose I should have waited to loose my load until you got there with the camara...But I wonder if the game warden would have found a law that said you couldn't do that to a poor dead animal. Will have to wait for one next year, Maybe we could get You Kevin and I taking turns...LOL.. :D :D :D
Way to go guys.
Sounds like a great time.
Russ,looks like you wont be hurting for meat this winter.
I have been on a couple of depredation hunts, where you know going in it will be crowded :D :D
The first time it freaked me out with all the other people around.
Then next time I understood going in what to expect and I had a great time.
Just getting to see all those elk in one place,wow.
:cool: :cool:

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 11-30-2002 08:30: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>

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