
Jackson elk run...

Ithica, that was the first one I saw in five weeks that was in bow range, Montana is alot different than Washington in how they act. Just like I found in Jackson, they are alot different in there actions than the other two states. One must learn to bend with the area to be at all successful...
The area surrounding the elk is part of public land. I shot him over a water tank, this is one of the areas that I was trying to explain that I had seen that wasn't trashed by cows. The grass in some areas come up to the door window on my pickup. They allow cow's in to these areas, but because the water tanks don't produce much water, the cow's stay in the lowlands plus I have found since starting on this board, they managers of this ground do a very good job...
:D :D :D
Great Job, Elkchaser, Elkhunter, and friends..

Looks like a real fun hunt. If you guys do it again. I'd love to join you guys...Congrats again!
Thanks WW and John..I never had seen that many bulls all toled. It was a fantastic site, I think I will take my wife down in Jan, or Feb, and show her... :D
That sounds like the opening of deer season here in Indiana on public ground.. :eek: ...

Nice job on the cow...and nice bull with your bow.

I'll be thru your neck of the woods on the 3rd of may....have to buy you a beer or coffee when I pass thru.

Hey Elkchaser,
Great Idea on taking your bride!

I gonna show my boy (he is 13 months now)
those Elk in the Refuge on February 1st.
We are gonna ski for a few daze and get away from all this heat at the beach :D
That would be great Jason...e-mail me when you get with in a couple of weeks or so.
John, do you think he will remember it...LOL... :D
Congratulations on your '99 bull ELKCHSR! I finally saw a picture of you after reading thousands of posts. I think that a picture of you with a cow too, good picture! Congratulations!! It looks like it was a blast. Danr55 too, neat to see a picture of you. Thanks for the posts.
I like the way Elkhuntr hunts with that horse, neat.
THanks for the cudos on the Salsa everyone. I will bring some for hand-outs to the Easter time Vegas gathering. Just let me know who's gonna be there and who wants Salsa. I've already started saving my sheckles.....

Tell you what impressed me....Lady Janes Tomato Soup Cake... That was really great and LB's Chili was to die for.

This sounds more like a food orgy than an elk hunt. Well, maybe....?????/


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-03-2002 11:05: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
The tomato soup cake is very good to say the least Dan and LB does make some Damn Good Chili with beer in it. Glad you liked it and will let you know about Vegas.

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