MTNTOUGH - Use promo code RANDY for 30 days free

I've about had enough

wow what BullSh!t! It reinforces my opinion of people in general, which is I assume most people have bad intentions until they prove to me they are good & can be trusted. I know that's opposite of the saying we mostly hear (most people are good, blah blah blah yadda yadda blah....), but has kept me and my family safe for many years, that's why I live out in the mountains with hardly anybody around.....
Makes me, as a Utah resident, want to change how we access our account online. I'm going to do some research on that. I am sure Randy has identity theft protection. Think I need to sign up for one. Sorry for the FOIA. It really sucks when something we think is a good thing is used to hurt or attack the innocent.
In all seriousness though I've really appreciated what you do. Heck the only hunting show my wife likes is your's due to the light hearted attitude and the fact your not pushing a ranch or product the whole show. Sure the occasional product here and there but that's how the business works. I never would have thought to hunt some places if it wasn't for you explaining draw systems or showing how to e-scout. While some see it as a pain because now everyone is doing it I've noticed it's spreading hunters out more since people know how to find their own spots. It has worked to all our benefit. Except the guy you are refering to obviously. He sees it as going to the next level when in truth it's a horrible thing to do. I hope this this terrible experience doesn't knock you down to hard. We are all looking forward to your next adventures.

If you're in my neck of the woods I'll buy you a blizzard and we can B.S. about hunting. (This offer not made with any expectation of exchange of any sort. All laughter and joking is purely coincidental. Offer valid only to the awesome O.Y.O.A. crew and Marcus the llama. Cause he's cool too. Eating ice cream at a rapid rate may enduce a headache of sorts. Llama offer void where prohibited by disalowment of llamas in store in such case we may bring one to him in the parking area. Smiling while reading Firedude posts may be unavoidable and is the intended result of most writings.)

Thanks for all you do and put up with Randy!
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We are with you Randy. When I watch your content and read posts on here, I can’t help but think that majority of us have a similar mindset in what truly drives us to hunt/fish/etc. The hunt is an adventure and harvesting the animal is an added bonus. If I couldn’t do my research and develop a plan, I’m not sure that I would be able to enjoy the sport as much as I do...heck, that is what the offseason is for IMO. Keep up the great work!!
From the other side I've also cringed as he's posted video's/pictures from places that I've been applying for myself. The door swings both ways....

This will be my first fall elk hunting a place after it was graced with Big Fin's presence. We'll see if it's different.
Anyone that needs to figure out where to hunt from internet videos, pictures, stories, etc., is worthless as tits on a boar.

Thank goodness I've never posted pictures or stories on the internet machine. Pathetic.
Randy. Just seeing this thread for the first time. I'm so sorry you have had to go through this.

It seems likely illegal that an agency would be giving away your personal information. At the very least, I'd contact the US Forest Service and complain. If you feel strongly enough, you could go a more formal route. I'm happy to help you find the best point of contact at the agency. Just reach out to me offline.

Regarding JR's question about S. 47 including provisions that fix the permitting process. I thought it might be included in the bill too, but just did a quick search of the bill text and don't see it.
Crazy someone would go to those lengths, but not surprising. Heard the OnX folks on a podcast the other day and it got me to thinking, I'm not much of a conspriacy theorist, but you have to think these same assholes FOIAing your ever move are trying to hack into OnX accounts. So, better make sure those accounts are locked down...
Over the eleven years of doing these platforms, I've dealt with far more frustrating events than these.

Geez, I'm really curious but afraid to ask what that other stuff was...Hang in there Randy and keep up the great work, we appreciate what you do!

I grew up northwest of your hometown in a whitetail and moose hunting family. I have literally not hunted once in the 18 years since I joined the Army. Now because of passionate public land hunters like you sharing the joys of the hunt I have picked up a bow and am planning my first elk hunt. I am hunting turkeys with my 6 year old daughter on BLM land and she loves it!

Your impact and legacy of ethical, conservation minded hunting will be felt for a generation at least in my family. If you hang it up now no one could blame you but, do it in your own terms and don’t let cowards and bullies run you out.

Keep the Faith,

-an old new hunter
Geez - I am so sorry for what you're dealing with, Randy. My family and I are big fans of Fresh Tracks and I can't imagine someone trying to leverage your hard work like that for their personal gain. But, as a wise man once said to me, in every large group of people, the Lord provides a liberal sprinkling of arse-orifice types. Please keep up your great work for the betterment of hunting in our great country and my family and I thank you for your efforts.
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Sucks. He/she could have spent the time researching and investing in themselves instead of trying to steal information via a FOIA request (or whatever the heck they were doing with the request).

There are some weird ducks out there, but the rest of us are behind you, Randy. Keep being one of the good ones. We gain A LOT from you.
Reading through some of the concerns BigFin highlighted specific to federal permits and FOIA - I would recommend a focus on Exemption 4 and Exemption 6. Exemption 4 protects confidential financial information and other proprietary information. I would think any hunt plans/specific locations, etc. for production of a hunting show could all fall under this exemption.

Exemption 6 protects information which would be a violation of things like an SSN or cell phone numbers etc. should not be released.

In your permit applications, it may be advisable to include a summary of information you (or your attorney) believe are not releasable under FOIA and why...give these federal agencies the rationale they need to withhold info.

States of course have their own public records laws and those vary.

All of this said - and particularly as it relates to state tags and applications - I fully support public records laws that require disclosure of tag information. The reality is - the demand is growing for these tags, the incentive to cheat is there, and we've already seen an example in Wyoming of attempted manipulation of draws. I am more comfortable knowing public watchdogs can track who is getting what tag and when. The wildlife is a public resource and while we may not want less ethical people figuring out where we hunt, that pales in comparison to the public having access to information which shows to whom and how their public resources are being allocated.
Agreed. That is the purpose for which I think most people have made the inquiries.

Receiving emails from some that are heavy with hearsay accusations or say things like "You'll regret blowing me off" or like the one posted with a smirk about my UT application history, seem to be outside the normal reasons people are doing it and are the reasons I brought up this thread.
He typed in a room that was dimly lit by a cork screw shaped bulb. He closes his eyes and nodded his head back and forth muttering.........."Mom says Im says I deserve attention........
I wonder what she is making me for dinner tonight????
Ok, ok man concentrate. You will regret blowing me off Newberg!
wow, that's pretty sad to hear, blows my mind really, i don't really have much to say about a guy or people that do that. i think scouting and learning new country is an exciting part of hunting and its something i look forward to doing, just the thought of doing something like that just cheapens the experience for me , 2 seasons ago i was scouting elk the day before opener and i bumped into a local guy i knew in one of the spots i was interested to glass from, they beat me to it and were there 1st and had found a bull and were already watching him, we shook hands and talked for a few , then i left , i made a choice i wasn't gonna hunt near that area that season because i didnt want to be know as that guy and get any kind of a bad rep. in the end we both ended up getting bulls on opening day, fast 2 years forward to last deer season, i got a buck down and was alone out in a nasty rain in the dark, he got word i need help and came out on a week night to help get my buck off the mountain and brought me a cold beer to boot, we had some laughs , and shared stories , 1st time either of us had ever really spent real time in the woods together. built a new friendship that evening. sorry to hear you have to deal with stuff like that Randy.
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