Yeti GOBOX Collection

It’s about time, Montana.

Well if this is their plan for the future the next legislative session there better be a bill saying this is required and make it to be by statute. If it’s not passed by law how can they require someone to e tag in the future.
Oregon doesn’t require e tagging. You can still do paper.
If they go about the e tagging like they did with going from paper apps to online their will be issues. Just hope that if it’s required they don’t cut corners on the process.
Stupid technology... what am I supposed to do with my stack of unfilled paper tags??
At least this way FWP might have a bit better idea what's been harvested. That is an improvement. Means saving on postage to send out questionnaires or hiring people to call hunters who too often hate govt and won't report honestly anyway. They only have to run down those without the app to get their info.
Implementation of the new system is about a year behind. It was decided that FWP had to own the system instead of licensing it. What that means is the tried and true systems (like Kalkomey) are not part of the conversation. I'm optimistic, but just barely, that this will have the functionality. The app is being rolled out in steps, so when it will have parity to others, who knows. However, this is a step in the right direction. There is a lot that could be solved with this move: mandatory reporting, online access reservations, ability to know when people where on BMAs, onestop shopping for Parks/Rec items. My fear is that this rollout is behind and will be perpetually. I've babysat this for about 4 years now, and my responses from FWP have not been favorable on it. A clear timeline and development plan from the Director/Jess Plunket would be helpful. I wish we could scrap the ~$18M (I believe, can't recall precisely ATM) that was authorized/spent on this and just walk over to NMFG App and put the MTFWP stamp on everything.
I don't know about my optimism for the app. However, if the e tag and validation of tags work as well as other systems I have used like Wisconsin's, this is a great step in the right direction. Especially in terms of reporting harvest, which need to be mandatory for big game. The fact that Montana is still behind on reporting among other things still blows my mind, but then again FWP seems to be a bit of a cluster a lot of the time. I hope they get this right the first time, and that it is ultimately a good change.

As a side note, I miss the days of the older better plastic tags, but I'm afraid they will never come back.