It Happens

Oh yeah, I totally skipped a part...

When I packed the load of meat down I quickly rummaged through my gear and found my tape. I was happy, but I still didn't know how big he was. I had tried to estimate his length and circumference on the hill and it just wasn't working. When I started scouting and learning about sheep horns, there seemed to be a couple numbers that I figured I'd shoot for. Judging by the rarity of their presence in the records (the biologist sent out a sheet with the horn size of every ram killed in the last ten years)... I wasn't stuck on achieving those numbers, but it was something to shoot for. The numbers were 17 and 40.

I dropped my pack and went over and wrapped the steel tape around his base. I pulled tight and leaned over to see the number... It was 17 1/8. I immediately figured I'd done it wrong and that the number was slightly inflated, but even so, I knew I had a massive ram!!! Turns out, green, he's right at 16 7/8.

Then the length. Every time I estimated it was about 36. i wrapped the tape around the shorter, more broomed horned... And without watching, held the point of the tape at the end of his horn. I turned it around and my finger was at the 40 1/2 mark! The other horn went 42 1/4! My smile grew and grew till it nearly didn't fit on my face!

With his length, and young age and presence of near lamb tips, he has a weak last quarter measurement, at about 7 5/8. He ends up green about 187.

190 was the dream number, and it's a doable deal in that unit, but you have to be able to pass up a 187 first!! Not gonna happen with me!
Great solo hunt Ernie. Nice to see a pic down there without a gang of folks kneeling behind a big ram.
Congrats again. Thanks for sharing your story.
One more conrats from me as well. What a well deserved trophy. Thanks for sharing your hunt. I could feel my heart be rising as I read the story. Hopefully I'll have one of my own sheep hunts to tell someday.
Did your stats have age with them? I read a paper a while back that studied the relationship of lifespan compared to curl. Basically it said that a ram lives up to 3 or 4 years past full curl. A mature ram is considered full curl. Most reach fc at age 7 to 9.

Just curious as most of the really big rams I see from MT tend to be fairly young at FC. Those Breaks sheep grow really fast, and I haven't seen many over the age of 8. Been a while since I looked at stats and am intersted to see the relationship.

Really nice ram, congrats! I'll bet that was blast to sort though so many sheep.
Hey Bambi,

The age/length/mass ratio is almost useless with this herd. I'm sure if you were a statistician, you could figure something out!! I'd gladly send you the stats for the last ten years.

Here's a few crazy numbers... All in last ten years.

There was a 3 YO killed in 04' that had 16 1/4 in bases.

An 8.5 YO with 13 5/8 inch bases. Typo???

There were 5 seven YOs killed with 17+ inch bases, 2 five YOs, 2 six YOs, and @8 and 1@10 YO.

In the last ten years at least, 6 and 7 YOs have been the biggest sheep killed.

So, if that 16 1/4 inch 3 YO was allowed to live for 4 more years???

Are these superior genetic 6 and 7 YOs getting picked off? There was a fairly unimpressive 10 YO with this ram... He was cool looking, but was a completely different class of ram. I bet he had 15 1/2 inch bases And 35" inch horns....

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