Caribou Gear

Is this the End of Dubya???

The disservice is that everything the press talks about is always negetive, How many stories have you heard that are positive? The liberal press slants everything to make it appear that things are worse than they really are. They never carry stories of the great things being accomplished in Iraq.
How is that a disservice? If the schools are still getting built, and the local Iraqi's are happy, then it doesn't matter chit what the media says. The goal is to get the Iraqi kids in school, not to get lots of positive stories about Wolfowitz and Rumsfield.

And our local paper, the Idaho Press Tribune is constantly running the Pentagon produced stories about the local kid from Caldwell who is passing out candy to Iraqi kids, and learning to play soccer in the school yards. Maybe those stories don't get the big headlines, but they are out there, and hopefully your buddy is able to find them.
The last several weeks, the only thing I've read about the whole Iraq the names of the latest 18-25 year olds who were killed the day before.

You cant slant that left or right, and after I read each name, I sure have a lot of questions about our need to be there. I also find it pretty hard to watch Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bush, Condi Rice, etc. all safe and sound ram-rodding some defense of the Iraq war.

All I have to say is I hope its worth it...

Personally, I dont get all warm and fuzzy over knowing an Iraqi kid is going to school and that its taking American lives to "accomplish" it.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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