Is this area needed ?!?!!?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
I'm thinking of "PRUNING" some of the sites... I love the guys that post about hounds and hear the storys.. but I don't have much to contribute..... Should this section stay ? Should I combine it with Big game ? Should I be shot for even asking ?!?!?! :D :D
I think it should stay Moosie. There are some hound hunters that need there own place to be. I do not contrubute but come here for the stories and pics. It is a separate way of hunting and I think it should stay. JMO.
I never post but check out this site alot. You got to keep the houndhunting section. At one time this was the best area on the board, in fact I think the stuff (mostly BS) I heard on this area contributed to me going out and getting my own dogs.

Here's a pic for you.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-03-2002 21:16: Message edited by: Cuban ]</font>
Please keep it Moosie.I'd post somethin,but ya cant run nuthin here in Maine til july and aug,and I'm fresh outa BS stories. :D :D :D
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I love the guys that post about hounds and hear the storys.. but I don't have much to contribute..... Should this section stay <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What does that have to do with anything???

It should stay ;)
I hope you keep it Moosie.This time of year is usually pretty slow for houndsmen boards i think.we cant run here till July 15.I did go visit a buddy in Vermont(they open June1 for training) last weekend but got downpoured out and never got a run.Left one new dog there for him to run if he gets a chance.
picked up a new rig for hunting this year.Some weeks i have 2 or 3 hunters and needed a little more room in the truck.I cant use a full size pickup here as the roads(really snowmachine trails) are too narrow.I bought a new Toyota Tacoma 4 door.Automatic,6 cyl,loaded. It has a full seat in the back.Plenty of room for 2 adults there.Bed is a little small but dog box fits.Will deal with bringing the bears out when the time comes !!!
I'll keep it !!! It would have only took one to say to keep it and I would have

YOU had me at HELLO :D :D !!!!
Hey George my freind has the same set-up, there nice little rigs..going to be my next rig if I ever can find enough pop cans to turn in for deposit, but at 5 cents a can, I have along ways to go....LOL Maybe I should just get a real job and quit hunting as much so I can afford something now and then...LOL.
They are pricey rigs Gatoman.Everything I looked at was though.I have leased my last 3 vehicles but bought this one.I looked at the Dodge dakota quad cab.I really liked it but it was just a little bigger than I wanted.Plus with the 8 cyl I thought it might be a little hard on gas.It was actually cheaper than the Tacoma I bought.When all the dealings done you are still talking about $25,000 for the Toyota.I think that is crazy but I like having new trucks.Having 4 doors is the big exspense.I kind of rationalize it by saying I need it for guiding and my rental properties.makes me feel a little better !!LOL I think I have spent any guiding profits about 3 times over already.I keep getting things and saying "well,I am paying for it with guiding money" ,then i look in my books!!!!!
Tobey, I was going to ask you to see what you can do about getting those roads paved!!LOL I am sure by the time we get together this summer it will be all broken in.Hows the fishing been??
George Don't say (Paved) it will happen soon enuff.Fishing has been slow only about 300 bass in the last 8 days.I got Salmon fishermen for the next 3 days.I had today off my next day of is the 27th.
George theres more money in guiding fisherman then Bear hunters LOL
And there easier to dragg LOL
If you catch pickeral or perch do you consider yourself to be trashy????
Tobey, I think there is more money to be made in ANY other type of guiding rather than bear with hounds.I am keeping a real accurate ledger this year.It is unreal how much I have spent already.Got an insurance quote of $1000 yesterday.Thats the best I can get including snowmachine coverage for winter hunters.
Like I was saying a year ago in this forum.If i can take 8 or 10 weeks off from regular job,pay for dogs food and exspenses,and break even as if I had worked all fall,I am a very happy guy !!! it worked last year.
How are the dogs doing ???
George Prickerel and Perch come home with me :D There my faverat LOL I feed them old wormy Bass to the fishermen ;)
The dogs are doing fine A little bored but fine
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