IS this A BIG ASS BEAR ?!?!?! (~or what~)


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
take a look at this picture and try to figure it out. don't scroll down till you have figured it out...








If you think that it isn't a big bear.. I think a have a second picture....






Now my next question.... wolf ?
That isn't one of GATO's hunting dogs is it ?!?!?

So.. votes for not a wolf eh ? (then I'm with Wylee on this one

I'm guesing we're many a many miles from the nearest house... But it could be a wandering dog ?!?!
any campers in the area ? and is this the bait that the bears are now missing from, that dog would then be the reason
If that mutt showed up at my bait without a collar he would be a dead mutt. The only thing worse than stray dogs is cats (with cats it doesn't matter if they are stray or not.)
Just as a side note, we have seen a wolf up there 4 years ago, it was a black one. Other bear baiters have seen wolfs in the area.

One person said it was a ranchers dog or something. There are no cattle or sheep hearding opperations up there, too nasty of country.

My guess is it is a wolf, no facts, but hell, that's just me!
Cali.. I'll forgive you for Agreeing with 280, I'm sure it will never happen again, Unless it's on what a great hunter he is

280, might be some campers somewere ?!?! but don't know. And yes, that is the site that the bears aren't eating all that much anymore.. that was on the 2nd day, we did have bears come in the next night... but it doesn't seem like they are eating much, there was a fresh beat scat (mostly RUNNY) next to my tree stand though.

Sky... I wasn't in the tree, but I can't say what I would have done
AMEN on the cats !!

Elkturd... GET back to work I need them Typical sections by this afternoon !!! Errr oh wait, you need me to do them.. I'm doing it already !! Geeesh. get off my back BOSS !!!
I'm saying wolf,take a closer look at the nose,see the thinness in it,ever notice how coyotes and wolves have a thin,fox like nose,compared to a domestic dog ?
It's a wolf...
Funny thing is, I was thinking wolf after seeing the FIRST picture, but the second looks like a dog.

OAk, looking at the ASS shot eh ?

So a few votes each way ?!?! MAYBE I should shoot it next time and see what the Fish and Wildlife say's
I've gotten several Emails from "EXPERTS" and alot from friends..

I hear this alot...

"it is a shephard mix house pet - bear food."

"german shepard mix"

"DOG.. no question"

Either way.. Kind of cool that I got a picture of it. Better then pictures of Those RAVENS that were there yesterday evening. Got pics of them too.
Ya, definitely a dog.

Elkturd, better get those eye's checked, I don't want ya shoot'n Moosie thinkin he's a bear, if he gets a five o'clock shadow after a weeks worth of growth.
It takes Moosie 2 months to show stubble..


Yeah, I know, it looks like a dog... We will see if we get some more pic's of it!

Time for work...
THAT'S alright... Becasue ElkTurd is 35 and he still has "STUBBLE" (If you can even call it that).. Ohhh you were talking facial hair
Is this at bait site "A", if so then yes there are houses not to far off and yes there is even a sheep operation at the bottom of that drainage. I would'nt consider it to far if a dog is left loose to stray up there from the houses in the bottom. I know you never been up the bottom of that drainage and theres probably 10-15 cabins-houses with full time occupants. Maybe 1-1 1/2 miles to last house up the creek to your bait.
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