Is the Hunter Nation non-profit the real "Green Decoy"


Active member
Aug 4, 2015

I had never heard of this non-profit until today, but a couple of my non hunting friends pointed them my way, asking my thoughts about the group auctioning off a hunt with Trump Jr.

From their Mission Statement:

"Hunter Nation is committed to keeping our public lands public, and making sure they are open and accessible for multiple uses, including hunting. However, we will take this concept even further by working to ensure that habitat conditions on the hundreds of millions of acres of our Federal public lands are improved. Many lands are covered with old decadent trees that lead to unnecessary wild fires. This dangerous condition exists because previous Administrations allowed land management policy to be dictated by certain environmental groups and decisions were made based on emotion not facts. Due to the election of President Trump, and the appointment of Ryan Zinke as the Secretary of the Interior, this failed policy has been scrapped and replaced with sound land and water management policy. Hunter Nation will continue to support these improved policies, including large scale habitat restoration efforts which will reduce devastating fires, increase forage and allow for long term sustained healthy populations of elk, deer, moose, bighorn sheep, antelope, bison and mountain goats on our great public lands."


"Hunter Nation is committed to support laws and policies that restore as much land and wildlife management authority back to State Fish and Game Agencies. This ensures that local sportsmen’s interests are considered and protected by experts in their own state and not some bureaucrat in Washington DC. We love these lands, water and wildlife more than anyone. If hunters unite as one LARGE Hunter Nation we will become a powerful voice to effectuate pro-hunting policy and legislation both locally and nationally!"

The groups Ceo is Mark DeYoung, who left Vista Outdoors, though its been reported that he was "pushed" more then left. He now sits as a member of the Interior Department’s International Wildlife Conservation Council (IWCC). Looking at their "Advisory Board" membership includes all-stars Jason Chaffetz and Ted Nugent, former Chief Officer for Koch funded “Americans For Prosperity” (AFP)" Luke Hilgemann and failed Kansas Secretary of State and vocal "birther" Kris Kobach, among others.

Even a few hunting industry celebrities like Jim Shockey, Craig Morgan and Michael Waddell.

If any group masquerades about being hunters, while having other intentions in mind, ala "Green Decoy" this certainly seems a good example.

From what i have seen Donald Trump Jr has good intentions when it comes to hunting/conservation though with little power to get anything done, or sound guidance to point him in the right direction, should he want to go it. Seeing that he is being politically courted by the far Right, I'm not sure he would veer to far away from his father, even though their relationship is far from healthy.

To call Jr. a "modern day Roosevelt" and a "leading expert in the field of conservation" is laughable.
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I had never heard of this non-profit until today, but a couple of my non hunting friends pointed them my way, asking my thoughts about the group auctioning off a hunt with Trump Jr.

From their Mission Statement:

"Hunter Nation is committed to keeping our public lands public, and making sure they are open and accessible for multiple uses, including hunting. However, we will take this concept even further by working to ensure that habitat conditions on the hundreds of millions of acres of our Federal public lands are improved. Many lands are covered with old decadent trees that lead to unnecessary wild fires. This dangerous condition 😏exists because previous Administrations allowed land management policy to be dictated by certain environmental groups and decisions were made based on emotion not facts. Due to the election of President Trump, and the appointment of Ryan Zinke as the Secretary of the Interior, this failed policy has been scrapped and replaced with sound land and water management policy. Hunter Nation will continue to support these improved policies, including large scale habitat restoration efforts which will reduce devastating fires, increase forage and allow for long term sustained healthy populations of elk, deer, moose, bighorn sheep, antelope, bison and mountain goats on our great public lands."


"Hunter Nation is committed to support laws and policies that restore as much land and wildlife management authority back to State Fish and Game Agencies. This ensures that local sportsmen’s interests are considered and protected by experts in their own state and not some bureaucrat in Washington DC. We love these lands, water and wildlife more than anyone. If hunters unite as one LARGE Hunter Nation we will become a powerful voice to effectuate pro-hunting policy and legislation both locally and nationally!"

The groups Ceo is Mark DeYoung, who left Vista Outdoors, though its been reported that he was "pushed" more then left. He now sits as a member of the Interior Department’s International Wildlife Conservation Council (IWCC). Looking at their "Advisory Board" membership includes all-stars Jason Chaffetz and Ted Nugent, former Chief Officer for Koch funded “Americans For Prosperity” (AFP)" Luke Hilgemann and failed Kansas Secretary of State and vocal "birther" Kris Kobach, among others.

Even a few hunting industry celebrities like Jim Shockey, Craig Morgan and Michael Waddell. All in all a very rich guy populated hunting "non-profit"

If any group masquerades about being hunters, while having other intentions in mind, ala "Green Decoy" this certainly seems a good example.

From what i have seen Donald Trump Jr has good intentions when it comes to hunting/conservation though with little power to get anything done, or sound guidance to point him in the right direction, should he want to go it. Seeing that he is being politically courted by the far Right, I'm not sure he would veer to far away from his father, even though their relationship is far from healthy.

To call Jr. a "modern day Roosevelt" and a "leading expert in the field of conservation" is laughable.

The Hill's😏 article 10/3/19 seems to forget the Zinkster has been gone a while now...........
The glaring partisan rhetoric (some of which I bolded), the people involved, and the fact that a group called HUNTER Nation mentions keeping public lands open for multiple uses - oh yeah, including hunting - speaks volumes....
You got your Green Decoy and your glaring run away-very fast Red Flag organizations.
To this public land owner/user, the differences are more than clear.
And the veil this outfit hides behind can be punched through by a BB shot from 100 yards out of a 1968 Daisy Red Rider...............................................
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"restore as much land and wildlife management authority back to State Fish and Game Agencies "

So they are pro-transfer, that's about all you need to know to tell you the organization is terrible for your average sportsman.
They look to me to be another faux hunter group like SFW and BHA that is more about partisan politics than hunting and conservation. No interest by me in becoming a member.
Definitely a questionable group of people. I don’t know who all of them are, but definitely some slime balls in that group.
I've found looking at the founders / leaders and the donors... Seems to define the true character camouflaged by the minions who want to believe, thus do believe there is no ulterior prejudice and tout slogans though falsely proclaim the public as... well, their version of who qualifies as, "the public".

From a founder/leader who operated the Democrats Obama campaign HQ in Missoula to a political fundraiser powerhouse for the Republican Party...

It takes a certain rough, opinionated, and strategic mind to immerse into a political fundraising, campaign driver.
These are the "Green Decoys" of modern day organizations.
I tend to steer around most political discussions, but anyone else think this whole "Green Decoy" thing is largely a hoax, or at least over-hyped?
I've found looking at the founders / leaders and the donors... Seems to define the true character camouflaged by the minions who want to believe, thus do believe there is no ulterior prejudice and tout slogans though falsely proclaim the public as... well, their version of who qualifies as, "the public".

From a founder/leader who operated the Democrats Obama campaign HQ in Missoula to a political fundraiser powerhouse for the Republican Party...

It takes a certain rough, opinionated, and strategic mind to immerse into a political fundraising, campaign driver.
These are the "Green Decoys" of modern day organizations.
@Straight Arrow How we each identify decoys. My method is as simply stated. Founders/leaders and donors.

Edit: thankfully football is on, musk is quite the wild minded billionaire...
"..............Seems to define the true character camouflaged by the minions who want to believe,.................."

Going way out on a limb attempting any comprehension of the above - but I believe this statement could apply to the followers of the very subject of the OP.

Okay, let's place this in simple terms so as to not hurt any BHA feelings...

Green Decoys, as relates to this topic are not those who join and follow, rather those who founded, lead and donate.

Those who follow <insert organization> typically act as the camouflage for the founder/leader and major financial donors.

Not much a about those following the group.

This was my intent.
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