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Is the Eurasian collared dove regulated in your state: is air gunning for dove legal in your state?


Active member
Dec 26, 2021
SW Oklahoma
I have to sadly say that the death of dove (any species) by compressed-air-launched pellets is forbidden in Oklahoma and also the invasive collared dove is treated like a game bird in regard to methods of take and seasons for taking them. Whenever Eurasian collared doves finally make a mess out of the Sooner State's governor's mansion with droppings, it just might then cause these little collared buzzards to be recategorized as unprotected and become lawfully air-gun-able as well.
We drink beer in my backyard and shoot them with air rifles all summer. Guy down the street uses them for pointer training

Also your original post came off a little Christmas drunk ranty so I'm sure that's why JLS pounced so quickly 🤣
Yes, ranty. Perhaps old man grouchy. I'm showing a little contempt for politicians in regard to game-regs crafting. Sometimes hunting rules are logical and other times they are driven by asinine emotions. One state even banned dove hunting one time because some tea sipping Audubon Society old ladies pushed to have them classified as songbirds. Pigeons and doves are numerous runny-white-crap-makers and harm farmer's grains.
We can hunt them year round with no limit in CA. We have to hunt lead free but I was told by a game warden that only applies to firearms as the law is written so we can use lead pellets and air rifles legally.

I used to shoot the heck out of them around the commodity barn at work on my lunch. I took quite a few home and they were pretty good. The flavor is very similar to mourning doves but they need a good day or so to brine to help break them down a little, otherwise they are on the tough side.
Lead free, use them as bird food. Sometimes, I usually have better things to do than shoot doves. Its a shame they dont ever hang out in the open like mourning doves because they are around all year and theyd make for a fine falcon quarry, if so.
If I could manage to shoot them off my bird feeder, we'd have dove for dinner a couple times a week - as main course. But in town, discharging that air gun would get me a conversation, at least, with the local constabulary.
If I could manage to shoot them off my bird feeder, we'd have dove for dinner a couple times a week - as main course. But in town, discharging that air gun would get me a conversation, at least, with the local constabulary.
I can't shoot anything with an air gun in the city limits of Lawton, OK. During the 1970's I lived in a smaller California town and us boys shot BB guns in backyards. Never any issue with The Man. People in modern times have gotten goofy about BB guns, real guns and hunting in general. The police state frowns upon old-fashioned fun. Treating collared doves like protected game is downright folly. Oklahoma is really goofy in some respects.
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