Kenetrek Boots

Is "older" wiser?

To bad your so "young" and Ignorant" Minnie Moose, and you talk alot of bullshit, like making statments that are "not true". i guess you have a prolblem with the truth , so GROW UP.
mini, I am in no way trying to be rude, mean or ignorant.

But what the heck did you just say?????
Why would i want to grow up cj, if i grow up then i have to act mature, and be wiser than everyone younger than me, i am smarter than i am wise, i learn from my mistakes and not those of others, plus what did i ever say that wasn't true?

Mike basically what i said is that cj is an old "know it all" so he still does act like he is as young as i am and that he needs to go back to complaining about mexicans invading the united states because that is as close to knowing it all he will ever get, and no offense taken if you were being mean in anyway, i am a prick sometimes and need to be put in my place by and "older, wiser" person like yourself
Minnie what you said that was "wrong' was #1 that "i" said that "i know" Buzz will need a "tool" someday![what i said was he "might" need one] #2 "i" never said "you" said that "i" wasn`t wise [please quit assuming stuff] yes i am arrogant but i`m also confident and i don`t have a "problem" admitting it when i`m "wrong'[but you have to point it out to me first ok?] you can`t just guess at it. I started this "topic' for others insight, and to "educate' myself, in no way was it intended to "offend" you or anyone, but sometimes it ends up that way. Buzz can defend himself, but it`s ok if you want to because we all take sides from time to time, but if your real "sensitive" then i will probably seem like a real arrogant, know-it-all asshole to ya.[lots of us here do that] including Buzz/Ithaca/Gunner/ i can`t name them all. some guys get "sick' of me bitching about the illegal all of the time[myself included] so i have to get in on other "stuff'[even stuff that i don`t know about] that`s how i became the "old wise-ass" that i am.
Wisdom is intelligence shaped by experience based on the definition given previously.

I will say that if one is able to attain wisdom that it increases as you get older.

I only ask that the ones who say that age is not a factor is to look back in 20 years and ask yourself "Are you any wiser now than you were then?".

I would say that unless ya suffer too many recoils at the shooting range that you will say yes.

But if I had any wisdom I wouldnt be replying to this thread. LOL

Fug em cjcj.... I like it everytime you bitch about illegals.
In an odd, kind of Ironic twist, Mini Moose has actually showed more wisdom on some of these topics than the AM Radio, Rush Limbaugh-lovin posters we have here in SI.

At least Mini is pondering issues most of his peers are probably not even thinking of. He is forming opinions, and while he struggles in his presentation, at least he is thinking about things in life.

Others here, who parrot whatever the AM Radio guy broadcasts, or defers to the old codgers in the Diner show much less wisdom.

And CJ, I can't believe you think I am a "know-it-all asshole", as there is much I don't know, and even worse, unlike you, who claims to know more at your current age than at ", 15, 10, 5, a baby?", I realize how much I have already forgotten.

If you don't stay current in a field, the world moves way too fast to know everything. But, I will say, the value of the Education is not the 18 Hours of Biology, but the process of learning, and learning how to learn. If you can get that out of your Education, then you are on the way to Wisdome.
Gunner i was actualy refering to myself as coming off as a know-it-all asshole [at times] and yes i did include your name as an afterthought so i am an asshole for doing that, it was not meant as a "direct" jab at you personally, sorry if it came out that way.

I am just questioning you referring to me as a "know it all", I was not questioning the Asshole part...

I know that I don't know it all... and I learn every day. If that ever stops, I might as well hang up my spurs.... And on these issues in SI, I love it when people bring information, and references, and other links to the arguments, as I generally follow them and read, both sides of these issues.

And if people become uncomfortable, because there is another point of view brought forward, then good for them
I think Wisdom is Staying aways from STUPID Topics !!!!

CJCJ and Mini Moose, I do have to thank you two for posting on my site. It is real hard to make me look like a Better Speller then anyone or someone who knows how to use punctuation.... But you've both Achieved it well

All I know is What I've learned from Confucious. He say:
"Man who stand on corner with hands in pocket Fells cocky all day".

and "Virginity like bubble, one prick, all gone".
As we get older we should get wise meaning that we learn somthings as we get older it don't mean we are wiser just because we are older.


Some of use were just stupid to start with.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 10-21-2003 06:47: Message edited by: MEATHEAD ]</font>
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Some of use were just stupid to start with.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Ha! Now THAT I'll agree with.
Don't get any misconceptions about me elkgunner. I'm no ones puppet. I do enjoy listening to the old guys experiences, but I don't live my life according to them or anyone else for that matter. Nice try though. I do have a bachelors in natural resource management and spend more time than most in the outdoors. I'm 36 and not exactly a pup anymore, at least I don't feel like one. You know, I haven't mentioned once that I've known anything. Just a regular guy trying to make it through this game.

Elkgunner,I'm not claiming to be great with spelling or grammar, but I don't think there is an "e" on the end of wisdom...