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Is Kerry flip flopping?

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
We hear criticism of Kerry for changing views over time. I'm curious. When an individual has the ability to recognize that conditions have changed from the time he formed certain conclusions, and the honesty to publically admit it, he is worthy of respect. Kerry is such a man.

To deride his continuing intellectual growth as flipping or flopping, is a mark of ignorance and addiction to intractable dogma.

I've changed views on many topics over the years. Why, precisely, is that bad? :confused:
Oh for God's sake! That could be true Ithica if he did it honestly, openly and had genuine reflections on past mistakes and grew from the result; however, his obvious scam is to sanctify himself from his faults while pointing his finger at the faults of others. He sir is not worthy of respect He is a con-artist, a phony, evil incarnate, a Hedonist, and we have already had one President of his character this millenium. (And one is more than enough.) IMHO.
If he was what you claimed Ithaca I would agree. However Kerry tends to put his finger in his mouth and then hold it in the air to see which way the wind is blowing. That is not how you lead a nation.

As far as respect, I have none for him and never will. He is a POS.
Fecl and Paws,

Is there something specific that you can put your finger on that cause such dislike for Kerry?

Would anybody on the Democrat party have been better recieved by you? Lieberman, Gephardt, Dean, Edwards, Kocinich, Sharpton, Grahm? Would you vote for any of them over Dubya?

Ithica asked for "precisely", and the only thing he got back was a bunch of "general" character assasinations, no real substance.
Yes specific in general that is. During the very earliest part of the primaries I noticed that Kerry answered virtually every question about any aspect of the Bush Administration with the phrase "It is the worst, I have ever seen!" or words to that effect. No less than a half dozen times he did this in a single interview. His "turn coat" attitude regarding the Vietnam war in my opinion makes him at a minimum a war criminal for not revealing espoused personal knowledge of crimes he reportedly witnessed, yet remained mute. And what gripes me most is his absolute lack of respect for the sitting President. Contempt for issues, events, and outcomes do not authorize anyone to demonstrate the absolute lack of gentile manners and respect for one's superior; expecially in public forums.
Finally, if you examine his voting record and public response record you will discover that regardless of the issue that the most appropriate statement is that; "He feels very strongly both ways." He has demonstrated this "duality" since his youth beginning with his military service. I'm fairly certain that Edwards could have earned my vote by November. The rest of that lot I consider rabble; although, I do admire Sharpton because he makes you think!
EG I stated my opinion of kerry in another thread. Kerry is unfit to be Commander in Chief. The other reasons, well lets see,

Anti gun

He would allow the UN to dictate our foriegn policy.

His stance on issues is directly related to what the polls want him to say.

Thinks the rich are not paying thier "fair share"

When he is questioned about his voting record he lets us know he served in Vietnam. When ever he is critisized he lets us know he served in Vietnam. When the sun comes up in the east he lets us know he served in Vietnam.

The last time I checked the issues before us are not related to Vietnam.

Attack dog mentality.

But again the main reason is what he did after VN.
As far as voting for any of the Dems that ran this year? Nope. Not one is or was worthy of my vote.

Would I vote for a Dem. Maybe. Depends who it was. I might consider Zel Miller or John Breiux. Personally I look forward to the day the John Kasich runs for president.

Thanks for the reply. At least you seem to have thought out your position. I can respect that. It is funny to read other's responses where they don't have any reason, which leads one to believe they are the kind who vote for who there momma told them to vote for.... Doesn't look like Dubya is having any trouble keeping the all important Escort driving elderly retired GS-9 civil servant vote....

I doubt Kerry wants the UN to dictate our Foreign Policy, as I have certainly not seen that promise. But, I think Bush Sr. showed how effective a coalition can be in Gulf War One. Dubya has shown how poorly things work without a coalition, as he loses members of the coalition.

And I think I like the Attack Dog mentality. Far better than the Ostrich mentality...
You and Kerry should get along really well there Elkgunner. Neither one of you having any respect for your obvious superiors; and such. Perhaps you and he can join Mr. Gore after the election sitting around feeling sorry for yourselves and stroking your beards over a cappucino and a slice of humble pie. Hope there is a male member in your family or among your friends who can show your kids what a positive male role model looks like. (By the way; that's GS-13 and the Escort(s) belong to the wife; she traded in the Probe(s). I drive a Dodge