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Is Ammo supply coming back at all yet?

Haven’t been able to find 12 gauge steel anywhere in Montana, been fine the whole season till now but just broke in to the “layout blind stash” (anyone who doesn’t own a layout blind that hunts with us and uses mine has to leave their leftover shells in the blind pockets at the end of the hunt) think there’s about 1-200 between the 5 blinds but I started looking for some and found these in Cody. Wtf? 32.99 for steel 3” #4’s? Crazy times, expensive ducks..2 box limit also.. geez


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Lots of 9mm, 22lr, and 40s&w as well. Prices are about double what they were but at least its becoming available. I need some 22-250 but i aint paying 45$/box.
If it wasn't for tax and shipping I could get you some 22-250. Hornady 55 gn 32.33 or Remington 50 gn accutip 39.00 parents own a gun store and have pretty much everything in stock. Only 2 common calibers they don't have are 410 and 44 mag.
I ordered a case of 12 ga. Kent Fasteel from Guidefitter in April. I received it last week.
I think people are finally realizing that they arnt going to stop making the stuff and most people are slowing down their fear monger hoarding.....

Also the free money is pretty much dried up so people dont have the disposable income to run out and buy $3,000 worth of ammo (I know 5 people who spent all of their "free money" on ammo).

Now is my favorite part. Those who hoarded ammo are now stuck with overpriced ammo that they wont be able to sell. Serves them all right.

Its not really my place to judge but I'll never understand why anyone would need 10,000 + rounds of ammunition. I guess to each their own.
I think people are finally realizing that they arnt going to stop making the stuff and most people are slowing down their fear monger hoarding.....

Also the free money is pretty much dried up so people dont have the disposable income to run out and buy $3,000 worth of ammo (I know 5 people who spent all of their "free money" on ammo).

Now is my favorite part. Those who hoarded ammo are now stuck with overpriced ammo that they wont be able to sell. Serves them all right.

Its not really my place to judge but I'll never understand why anyone would need 10,000 + rounds of ammunition. I guess to each their own.
As someone who sees what prices are and the availability of ammo if you spent $3000 on ammo last year you bought it at retail price for less than wholesale price this year. Right now there's 3 things available at any time to dealers, 223/556, 308 fmj, and 00 buck 12 gauge that's it. As dealers the days of being able to have a wide variety are gone for now. We take whatever is available. Rifle hunting ammo is still one of the hardest things to get. My advice to anyone who plans on doing any hunting is to make sure you own a 308 Rifle. It has been the most available hunting round through this. With tax time coming and inflation continuing prices are going to keep going up. $5.00 for 50 rounds of 22 is the cheapest you'll see now. $20-25 for a box of cheap hunting ammo is gone. Supplies will come back but it's not going to be anytime soon. They can't get 12 gauge ammo on the shelf for longer than 24 hours they can't even get anything else on the shelf period. It's not just ammo either. Guns are coming back faster but they are still hard to get a hold of. Budget rifles (savage axis, Mossberg patriot, ruger American) none were available for months before and during hunting season. When season was over they all flooded the market. Now they are unavailable again.
I hope to see 7mm-08 Hornady on the shelf soon. Was thankful I had stocked up few years back as I had ammo for my Elk hunt. Couldn't find any last year in Boise area. Even 9mm for my pistol all they had was the tactical (I think that's the name) and no cheap shooting range rounds. So annoying.

CH=full]208349[/ATTACH] Hey Double. Have any RL-25?


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I actually found 3 boxes of 410 #6 shot at my local Walmart Thursday morning. Sadly, they were sold out as soon as I left the store. My 11 yo was ecstatic as we have until the end of February for squirrel and rabbit season.
Bismuth shot, 243, 280ai and buckets of 22 were on the shelf today. Loads of 9mm, 40, 223 & 308