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Irresponsible public land shooters

Year before last BHA picked up 3500 pounds of trash off that BLM. Time before that, we had about 1600 pounds.

Also have cleaned up Rogers Canyon 4 times over the past several years, its better, but I haven't been out there lately.

Probably should organize another cleanup for both places.
Let me know as well...I'd like to come help.
Man, that crap bugs me. Several years ago I took an elderly local guy walleye fishing. In the middle of the lake he tossed out a Coke can. "Grab the net. We're going back for that." He laughed at me. "Grab the net or grab a PFD. Your choice." I was NOT laughing. He scooped the can and no conversation for the rest of the day. He never went fishing with me again. Thirteen years ago when working as a park ranger in eastern Montana I met a guy from Calgary who was down to go bird hunting. We connected and next day drove north almost to the border to hunt sharpies with his GWP and my Lab pup. On the way back he drained a beer then threw the bottle out the window. "Turn around. You need to pick that up." He scoffed. "Pick it up or let me out." "Yeah, right. We're seventy miles from town." "Turn around NOW gawdamit!" He did, found the bottle, and we drove the rest of the way back to my place in total silence. Never heard from him again. Boo-hoo. I mean, he knew I was a park ranger. What did he expect?
Dog crap decomposes much faster in a storm sewer than stuffed in a plastic bag and buried at the dump. It's all about letting bacteria do their work as efficiently as possible ... without having to step in it while we wait. And some litter is composting at the same time. Seems to be a win win scenario. Kind of a no brainer.
Why not take it home and put it in your own compost? I don't want dog shit in my streams/rivers...why do you want it in yours?
HUMM That's a hard one. They were actually not doing anything against the law that I know of.
I do think I would have called the sheriff and made a complaint of vandalism at the least, maybe littering. Shooting trees is vandalizing on forest lands.
At the very least maybe the embarrassment of having a sheriff talking to him about very dangerous behavior may have made some effect.
Don't know your location. Here in PA. No random shooting on state public land.
Only target shooting done on a range with a safe backstop.
Now this means nothing to the thoughtless slobs that ya run into in every walk of life.
That really sucks and I don't blame you for not confronting. Some of these people feel that their "rights" mean they can do whatever they want.

Haven't run into shooting in Wisconsin yet thankfully, the woods is too thick for the long distance rec shooting crowd which keeps them out. Litter is still abundant on public lands though. People really need to learn that cans do not burn in a fire ring, Busch Light drinkers seems to be the most prolific at littering. Also, been finding tons of fishing line this year. The funny thing is that the line being used doesn't even make sense...............50 lb or so monofilament on small trout stream where the biggest brookie might be 12 inches...
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