Kenetrek Boots

Iowa hunt fish grill and chill

Pine Creek WMA- Allamakee/Winnisheik counties

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lets say you are a white tail hunter, hmong, trout guy, or a trapper fanatic. this is a gem, truly.

the beauty to this wma is it straddles two counties. why does that matter you ask? some iowa deer tags are county specific. so the opportunity this one presents you is fantastic for efficiency.

i scouted then hunted this area during iowas 2023 jan bonus seasons with a winn. county and all. county tag.

overabundance of good deer scouted and seen during the season. but, thats kind of the reason for the bonus season-population management.

if youre a yote killer, youll find plenty of action with a focus on anything south of the east-west centerline.

the stream is heavily dammed in multiple spots and too many dens to count-but the farther west you go, the more prosperous you will be on this one. trout was not soo productive, but enough given the seemingly low utilization of the area from fisherman.

i noticed the hmong really like the northern hills, east of where the wma heads due north. big camp. big cookout. invitations were made, but plans were in place unfortunately. however-the squirrels are far healthy and with far more inquisitive dispositions on the southern hills of the center-west areas of this wma.

one more big benefit - Toppling Goliath is not too far away after a successful weekend and i would encourage you to finish off the trip with anything from their taps. CL is a great guy and probably a better businessman. he has a steep history with yeti like coolers and a passion for vertical integrations and beer.
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once you cross the county line - as you enter into an opening going from the NE to the SW, there is in my mind a considerable concerted effort by someone to bait deer. to the point, its no accident what is planted there, when (based on sizes and corn harvest too), the why is purely conjecture.

The dnr were made aware of much the same as well as spun out to take a look while i was there. their initial assessment was similar. so my advice-if you hunt this and see signs of baiting, or food sources that shouldnt be, let the area be.
You have cell reception back in that Coulee? i'm surprised you haven't explained how to legally quarter and pack out a deer in Iowa? That might help you in your cause.
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You have cell reception back in that Coulee? i'm surprised you haven't explained how to legally quarter and pack out a deer in Iowa? That might help you in your cause.
First post, mentioned some things are up for you (the generic you) to verify, follow through on, etc.

All was done per regs. From tagging, reporting, processing, avoiding wanton, and transporting.

If you are interested in a fun fact-you do not need cell reception to report a harvest. I would urge you to verify for yourself however.

This isn't pointed at you, what I'm about to say, if you aren't gutting and dragging a deer out of public - you are already assumed guilty of something- because damnit that's how it's always been.

I was also wearing the required orange too, since that was not noted..while hunting with a rifle smaller than a .35 cal. as that also, was not noted.

But for information on how to stay within those regs, and for how you prefer to field dress an animal while staying in compliance, see the following:

First post, mentioned some things are up for you (the generic you) to verify, follow through on, etc.

All was done per regs. From tagging, reporting, processing, avoiding wanton, and transporting.

If you are interested in a fun fact-you do not need cell reception to report a harvest. I would urge you to verify for yourself however.

This isn't pointed at you, what I'm about to say, if you aren't gutting and dragging a deer out of public - you are already assumed guilty of something- because damnit that's how it's always been.

I was also wearing the required orange too, since that was not noted..while hunting with a rifle smaller than a .35 cal. as that also, was not noted.

But for information on how to stay within those regs, and for how you prefer to field dress an animal while staying in compliance, see the following:

So you reported it in the field without cell reception. Then quartered it?

For someone so committed to educating people, you sure seem uncomfortable disclosing certain things and not others.

Comfortable with hot spotting though, intriguing...
So you reported it in the field without cell reception. Then quartered it?
For someone so committed to educating people, you sure seem uncomfortable disclosing certain things and not others.

Comfortable with hot spotting though, intriguing...
No, you want a gotchya moment. That's what you're after

You do not need cell reception to report a harvest.

And technically, if you wanted to, you wouldn't need to affix the transportation tag if done via the laws and regs. Should I go into that as well as how to tie your hunting boots and wearing appropriate clothing for conditions?

The reason I'm not going into this, or how to sight in a rifle, or how much orange you need, or caliber restrictions, or shooting hours, is some of these are either known, easily sought, far too nuanced and should be their own thread or unrelated to the context of this thread.

I also know how you can hunt without hunter education, should I document that too?

No, you want a gotchya moment. That's what you're after

You do not need cell reception to report a harvest.

And technically, if you wanted to, you wouldn't need to affix the transportation tag if done via the laws and regs. Should I go into that as well as how to tie your hunting boots and wearing appropriate clothing for conditions?

The reason I'm not going into this, or how to sight in a rifle, or how much orange you need, or caliber restrictions, or shooting hours, is some of these are either known, easily sought, far too nuanced and should be their own thread or unrelated to the context of this thread.

I also know how you can hunt without hunter education, should I document that too? Maybe randy should cover every regulation as well before his episodes air. Every. Single. One.
I just saw quarters in the snow and got curious. Typically something in your post drives a question. Its not necessarily a gotcha question. I know what a warden for my specific hunting area told me in the past and now I want to know what your practice is.

But that seems much more difficult for you than sharing spots apparently.

Edit: So...go do you report a harvest without cell reception and without leaving the kill site?
I just saw quarters in the snow and got curious. Typically something in your post drives a question. Its not necessarily a gotcha question. I know what a warden for my specific hunting area told me in the past and now I want to know what your practice is.
Let me add- I do notice from 22-23 to 23-24 a few items have changed in the regs, or aren't present let's say- so this season like most I'll be verifying again. I'm quite sure last 22-23 regs had something about must remain as 4 quarters + head affixed (or something like thst). I do not see that in the updated reg book.

What'd your warden tell you, out of curiosity?

But that seems much more difficult for you than sharing spots apparently.
Your initial line of questions didn't exactly necessitate sharing, if ya catch my drift.
Edit: So...go do you report a harvest without cell reception and without leaving the kill site?
Them fancy gps communicators. ETA- I have one for numerous reasons, not solely for reporting, but always have it with me when going out of reception is a possibility. (epipen life).

But the regs do allow for 5 means of reporting, one of which does not require any cell/ip means of communication. If you intend on quartering out within bounds, you need to factor how you will communicate that harvest in the event of no reception to stay legal.
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Let me add- I do notice from 22-23 to 23-24 a few items have changed in the regs, or aren't present let's say- so this season like most I'll be verifying again. I'm quite sure last 22-23 regs had something about must remain as 4 quarters + head affixed (or something like thst). I do not see that in the updated reg book.

What'd your warden tell you, out of curiosity?

Your initial line of questions didn't exactly necessitate sharing, if ya catch my drift.

Them fancy gps communicators. ETA- I have one for numerous reasons, not solely for reporting, but always have it with me when going out of reception is a possibility. (epipen life).

But the regs do allow for 5 means of reporting, one of which does not require any cell/ip means of communication. If you intend on quartering out within bounds, you need to factor how you will communicate that harvest in the event of no reception to stay legal.
See... SMS reporting from a sat communicator is the kind of tip that might help others actually find and utilize their own spots. Was that, that hard?
Like I mentioned before I appreciate your enthusiasm for public land in Iowa. I to like to help people access public land in Iowa but I don’t just post it on the internet. I have an inbox full of messages asking about hunting public land in Iowa. If you ask a generic question you get a generic response. Ask a specific question, showing you’ve at least done some homework and I’ll give you a specific question, via direct message or text or phone, not something that is google searchable.

Iowa has approximately 2% of its land that is publicly open to hunting. Pictured rocks is 726 acres, it borders up to Indian bluffs wma which is 830 acres making the whole complex 1550 acres. There are basically two access points to 1500 acres, 10 years ago you could go to the parking lot at Indian bluffs on opening day of turkey season and set out in any direction chasing gobbles and not run into another person. This year opening day of 1st turkey there was a group of 18 with 3 wall tents that set up camp the friday before (1st season starts on a Monday)and they were planning on being there until the end of 2nd season. Now not all of them were hunting at the same time, but they were effectively blocking off the rest of the public land to anyone who wanted to access it. Furthermore, the stretch of the maquoketa river from Monticello to pictured rocks at 1 time was the most canoed stretch of river in Iowa (it still might be?) When you waded in the river you walked on aluminum Busch light cans.

Pine creek wma is 694 acres. A square mile is 640 acres. That seems like a big area, but get 10 guys down in there and it’s not big, now factor in that there is only 3 access points to Pine creek and they are all in the SW corner.

My point is if 1 person google searches hunting in Iowa and this thread pops up and decides to go to go to pine creek or pictured rocks even 1 more person will negatively impact the hunt or float for others. It’s ok to give information. I give and ask all the time for public land info, but don’t give it for free!

1 more example then I’m done. About 1 1/2 miles down the road from my house are very nice trails for hiking and biking. Up until about 4 years ago they were virtually unused. Then some knuckleheads started posting pictures to instagram, Facebook and social media he also started writing magazine articles and the DNR even started to use his pictures spotlighting this area. Now, I can’t drive by this area without there being 2-4 cars in the lot for a3.5 mile trail system.

Spotlighting areas does and will have a negative effect.
See... SMS reporting from a sat communicator is the kind of tip that might help others actually find and utilize their own spots. Was that, that hard?
No, but honey goes farther than vinegar. You didn't come off as inquiring minds initially, you came off wanting to spar, so sparring we did, and it was fun, and we both got something out of it.

I'll note for you, you are responsible for the act of making sure the harvest is reported, but you are not limited to who can report it for you ,you just are responsible for ensuring its (your id'd tag) reported. Does that make sense?
Left nut hair, is that you!?!
What a stunningly intelligent response. I’m crushed our .gov expert has slandered me.

I’m not really sure what a pubic hair has to do with the fact some of us are amazed (not in a good way) at your willingness to hot spot. Hopefully you don’t plan on any of these spots remaining good for any length of time.

While I don’t really care if you burn your own house down, someone else will end up collateral damage from your carelessness And yea, that’s happened with Fresh Tracks too.

Plenty of us have helped a multitude of folks without hot spotting on the web. Carry on.
Like I mentioned before I appreciate your enthusiasm for public land in Iowa. I to like to help people access public land in Iowa but I don’t just post it on the internet. I have an inbox full of messages asking about hunting public land in Iowa. If you ask a generic question you get a generic response. Ask a specific question, showing you’ve at least done some homework and I’ll give you a specific question, via direct message or text or phone, not something that is google searchable.

Iowa has approximately 2% of its land that is publicly open to hunting. Pictured rocks is 726 acres, it borders up to Indian bluffs wma which is 830 acres making the whole complex 1550 acres. There are basically two access points to 1500 acres,
10 years ago you could go to the parking lot at Indian bluffs on opening day of turkey season and set out in any direction chasing gobbles and not run into another person. This year opening day of 1st turkey there was a group of 18 with 3 wall tents that set up camp the friday before (1st season starts on a Monday)and they were planning on being there until the end of 2nd season. Now not all of them were hunting at the same time, but they were effectively blocking off the rest of the public land to anyone who wanted to access it. Furthermore, the stretch of the maquoketa river from Monticello to pictured rocks at 1 time was the most canoed stretch of river in Iowa (it still might be?) When you waded in the river you walked on aluminum Busch light cans.
Pine creek wma is 694 acres. A square mile is 640 acres. That seems like a big area, but get 10 guys down in there and it’s not big, now factor in that there is only 3 access points to Pine creek and they are all in the SW corner.

My point is if 1 person google searches hunting in Iowa and this thread pops up and decides to go to go to pine creek or pictured rocks even 1 more person will negatively impact the hunt or float for others. It’s ok to give information. I give and ask all the time for public land info, but don’t give it for free!

1 more example then I’m done. About 1 1/2 miles down the road from my house are very nice trails for hiking and biking. Up until about 4 years ago they were virtually unused. Then some knuckleheads started posting pictures to instagram, Facebook and social media he also started writing magazine articles and the DNR even started to use his pictures spotlighting this area. Now, I can’t drive by this area without there being 2-4 cars in the lot for a3.5 mile trail system.

Spotlighting areas does and will have a negative effect.
Honest question-

Is it just a meaningful monolog, or are you looking for a meaningful dialog?

Not being snarky, I'm seriously asking, same as i offered to not post further info until we discussed it.
What a stunningly intelligent response. I’m crushed our .gov expert has slandered been libelous to me.
Ope, just gonna squeeze that in there for ya, yup,ope hang on, yea yea no yea there we go. All good now.

Okay, where were we. Yea so slander is spoken, libel would be written.

Now, okay, let's carry on

(A dose of levity)
No, but honey goes farther than vinegar. You didn't come off as inquiring minds initially, you came off wanting to spar, so sparring we did, and it was fun, and we both got something out of it.

I'll note for you, you are responsible for the act of making sure the harvest is reported, but you are not limited to who can report it for you ,you just are responsible for ensuring its (your id'd tag) reported. Does that make sense?
I’ll put the vinegar away and break our the honey as soon as you pick the hot-spotting turd out of the punch bowl.
Honest question-

Is it just a meaningful monolog, or are you looking for a meaningful dialog?

Not being snarky, I'm seriously asking, same as i offered to not post further info until we discussed it.
If I was not willing to have a meaningful dialog I would not have gave a long winded response. I listened to a podcast not to long ago where the host and his guest who had recently written a book about arguing for conservation talked about how some arguments are not winnable because the person you are arguing against has already made there mind up and is not willing to listen.

Can you give me a good reason as to why you think hotspotting is a good idea? I can continue with examples of why it’s not if you’d like. I am not sure of your motive behind it. Is it to prove to the members of the forum that you know the public land in Iowa. Is it because you truly think that people don’t know how to find these areas that are typically easily identifiable, well signed areas?
If I was not willing to have a meaningful dialog I would not have gave a long winded response. I listened to a podcast not to long ago where the host and his guest who had recently written a book about arguing for conservation talked about how some arguments are not winnable because the person you are arguing against has already made there mind up and is not willing to listen.

Can you give me a good reason as to why you think hotspotting is a good idea? I can continue with examples of why it’s not if you’d like. I am not sure of your motive behind it. Is it to prove to the members of the forum that you know the public land in Iowa. Is it because you truly think that people don’t know how to find these areas that are typically easily identifiable, well signed areas?
Since we starting off- I want more participation, it will have negatives, it will have positives. But conservation through use. And if spotlighting draws someone to the sport or to a location, I say good, more competition is always better, more funding is always better, more eyes on our resources, more carrying out a piece of garbage they pass, and more voices for input (politically) is always better. Broad brush strokes and all.

Why do you feel less participation is better?
Like I said, I could care less if you burn your own house. Unfortunately, someone else will certainly pay the price.
The price of...what, 0?

So far, the damage from my spotlighting has damage other than a few bytes of data....

And if someone googles and comes here, joins, hangs out, uses something I spotlighted and goes out there, and either tags out or not, the price paid for me burning down my house was:

1 person more in the field
Advertising revenue for this website
Probably money on something gear related
A new experience
Someone whining it's not fair

Thing is, the land isn't yours to tell me what I can't do with it.

The land isn't mine for me to tell you what you can't do.

It's just not the boogeyman yall make it out to be.

@Gellar the 18 people you referenced, does it matter how they found that area or does it matter they were there, which bothers you more?
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