Caribou Gear Tarp

Introduction and re-introduction of wildlife

I would be 100% ok If this just happened overnight: if all of North America Trout species went back to what they were like before any Introduction of Browns from EU, or Brooks from NorthEast all over other states, etc. i like catching Browns and Brooks here in CO, bur if it were back to cutthroats i would be just as happy.
I would be 100% ok If this just happened overnight: if all of North America Trout species went back to what they were like before any Introduction of Browns from EU, or Brooks from NorthEast all over other states, etc. i like catching Browns and Brooks here in CO, bur if it were back to cutthroats i would be just as happy.
There would be a lot fewer fish out there to catch.
these things are usually well intended but do not always take in ( or even know ) the consequences of the future. Future of the species, other species, growth (human ) in the area. In other cases, like Alaska, most have been successful. I am not sure the Wolf in Yellowstone would be labeled a success by the ranchers in that area. The issue your dealing with was initiated way before you were born and probably seemed like a good idea at the time, but I do not believe it has created the result intended, but you can hunt Elk now and your grandfather could not when he was your age (-;

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