interesting Q&A

This part here really sticks out for me

Q: You say war is unavoidable -- just the length and form are in question. How should the war be waged?

A: When we have the opportunity to hit someone, we have to be willing to do it without evidence that could be presented in court. One of the tragedies of the 1990s was the forced injection of the law enforcement community into intelligence work, because we stopped talking about intelligence and we started talking about evidence. You get to the point where you paralyze yourself. It also gives those people in the intelligence community who prefer to protect their career rather than taking risks an opportunity to beat their chests and say, ''I wanted their heads on stakes but the lawyers said I couldn't do it.'' So you have to be ready to act.
I saw the guy on Charlie Rose, and he sounded like he knew his stuff.

He brought up some speeches of Dubya's where Dubya claims we will prevail because of the Almighty, and that our "faith in God" will not be shaken. He pointed out that when that gets translated on Al-Jazeer, it comes across as Dubya, the Evangelical, wanting to wage a Holy War against Islam.

Listen next time you Dubya claim he is right and mentions God, and then how that would translate for someone who Believes differently.

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