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Inline better than Deerstalker?


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2016
Canon City and South Park CO
I'm applying for ML elk tags in CO, after a decade away from ML hunting. My current setup is a Lyman Deerstalker in .54, Lyman aperture sight, 22 in. barrel. 777, Powerbelts and Maxiballs, it shoots 4" @ 100 yds, which has been my max range.

Soliciting pros/cons of switching to inline synthetic stock .50 w 209 and modern powder, legal for CO regs. Thanks in advance.
My T/C Impact shoots ~2" groups with 100gr of 777 Pellets pushing a Barnes Spitfire T-EZ sabot. It weighs 3lbs less than the Deerstalker, the weathershield finish and synthetic stock are bombproof, and it's a very well appointed gun with factory fiber optic sights.

With a scope and capable shooter it's easily a 200 yard deer gun, and probably 150-175 yard elk gun.

That said, with CO regs, it's a different story. However, for me the lower weight, synthetic stock, weathershield finish, and fiber sights would be reason enough to switch. I can't imagine that the accuracy would be less than with the deerstalker using ball and loose powder. Plus, you could use it elsewhere as well with less restrictive regulations if you were so inclined.
I would say if you're comfortable with the Deerstalker, and it sounds like you're shooting it well, then go with it. I've shot deer and antelope does with my percussion cap rifle just to do something different and it was fun.
Con, spending more money


Blackhorn powder is awesome, I kicked myself in the arse last summer after I finally "bit the bullet" and upgraded. I should have done it years ago, but like you, I had a muzzleloader that worked perfectly fine and didn't want to spend money up upgrade something that worked.

I went from a .54 to a .50 - way more bullet choices. It was getting really hard finding .54 conicals, and forget finding a bullet mold for a .54 maxi-ball. I'm not a fan of powerbelts if I'm not on the range. I upgraded to Thor's, love em.

Synthetic stocks, I'm very utilitarian on my stock choices, I haven't bought a wood stocked rifle/ML in 20 years.

I bought a optima v2 which is break action for caps and cleaning. So much easier to clean and load/unload. The finger twist out breach plug is also great - note here though, I did have to buy a extra plug that was specifically for the blackhorn powder. Not a big deal though.

All that said, I don't shoot any better, but I have easier cleanups, more bullet choices, and another gun in the collection.
I debated getting a traditional Hawken kit/build deal or a inline.
I went with a TC Omega w/scope BH209 & Barnes TEZ's because of reg's and hunts here in NM.
So glad I did. I am confidant on shots I would never consider with a traditional set up. Out to 150 easy.
Being a woodworker I feel guilty for my love for utilitarian lightweight synthetic stocks. But only for a second.
To me there's something special and nostalgic about killing something with my caplock. I don't go pretending I'm a mountain man and dress in buckskins and stuff, but I enjoy the extra challenge sometimes. Yes, I do have 2 inlines, one scoped and one not scoped that I use, but the caplock still gets a workout.
My hammer guns always shot as well as my inline. I applaud Colorado for leaving scopes, sabots and pellets out of the picture. All of those taken away, makes for a pretty even playing field for muzzle loaders.
I shoot a Knight Mountaineer and love it. It's an absolute nail driver. It's very heavy though. +1 on the Blackhorn 209.
Thanks for the thoughtful input so far. As you said, I am comfortable shooting the Lyman, and it does the job. But there are lighter, more weather-resistant, hotter firing 50s w a little longer range and more bullet/powder options. I have a while before I know whether I drew. W open sights, I don't need much range beyond 100, maybe 150 on elk.
The tightest groups I have ever shot at 100 yds with a muzzleloader, were with a .50 caliber patched round ball with 90 grains (by weight) of Goex FFFG, with a number 10 percussion cap. out of a custom Hawken.
I picked up a CVA Optima magnum in .50, handles 209 primers and BH powder. Thoughts on starting powders/primers/bullets for CO (no sabots, no pellets)? Also I want an aperture or ghost ring sight instead of factory open sights, suggestions for that? Thanks again.
I also have a deerstalker in .54. After a season of hunting with it, I concluded that I should have spent more money and bought the deerslayer. I was able to get it to shoot more accurately by using a very tight ball / wad combination. Then i bought an in-line and never regretted it.

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