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Indiana Hunter new to forum


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2017
Hello from the cornfields of Indiana. I maybe be a flatlander but I make it out West every fall. From the Badlands of South Dakota to the Colorado Rockies I am looking for some animal to put In my freezer. I like most of you do it on my own. I eat tag soup from time to time but the adventure and enjoying Gods creation makes it alright by me! My love of hunting and the outdoors is in my blood and I try to pass on our passion others. I am a volunteer hunter education instructor and do whatever I can to keep our love of hunting alive and growing.

Take care and hope to meet you on the hunting trail someday!
Welcome!! Plenty of us Hoosiers around this forum (I am transplanted to CO). Look forward to your input!!
SFC B, I would be out there in a heartbeat but haven't convinced the wife to move West..yet!
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Made a drug-deal with Uncle Sam almost 8 years ago to get here and haven't regretted it yet. Indy will always be home and I love Hoosiers but the living is pretty great out here in the Springs. My wife loves it....if for no other reason all of the sunshine!!
SFC B, I would be out there in a heartbeat but haven't convinced the wife to move West..yet!
1_pointer Nope I am a Carroll Cougar but I married an Oracle. My college roommate was from Gibson little town called Hobstat.
1_pointer Nope I am a Carroll Cougar but I married an Oracle. My college roommate was from Gibson little town called Hobstat.
No kidding! I grew up in the little town of Haubstadt and still own a house there! I won't bust you cajones on the spelling... ;) It would not surprise me if I didn't know your roommate or their parents.

PS- I have more than a handful of points for two different tags in SD. Sounds like I need to pick your brain a bit.
Yea I knew I butchered the German spelling of it. Wiese (probably spelled that wrong too) is his last name.
Weiss. My best friend growing up had that last name, but he died some time ago. He did have a brother named Kevin, also known as Rooster. Quite a few old German names still floating around that town. It's funny to meet how many ways to spell Schmit, Schmitt, Schmidt, etc there is.
Kevin was my roommate! Big red headed fella, he had a younger brother we called peanut, and his dads name was Rick.
That'd be them; I know them well. Peanut was my best friend for a number of years. Kevin gave him that name because he said that's how big his brain was. LOL. The number of stories I have that involve him or the two of them...
Oh yea, Kevin and I raised a lot of cane back in the day...pretty sure we are still "Wanted" in parts of Indianapolis!
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