Today is Saturday October 16, 2010. My buddy Paul and I are about to meet up an spend the day hiking and looking for deer with our bows on State land here in CT. There won't be any elk, deer, lopes, rams, or moose in our glass today, but we'll have fellowship and continue the hunting tradition my dad introduced to me in 1980 when I was 12 years old on our old farm in PA. My father, K.W.H., passed away on June 18, 2010, and I would like to dedicate today's hunt to him. I saw my dad for the last time in May as he was lying on his death bed, and we had a nice talk. The last thing I said to him was, "Daddy, if you get to heaven before I do, and it looks like you will, make sure you pick out a good fishing spot on a nice trout stream and hold it for me, because I'm afraid by the time I get there all the good spots will be taken."
- Hitman
- Hitman