In case of ak

Well I’ll start trying to update this now that I’m officially back to civilization. I’m still in anchorage hopefully get the meat transferred from one cargo company to another today and catch a flight back home this afternoon. I’ll be honest I did a horrible job on taking photos while up there. I keep a log for a few days to help remember some of the details for this. The entire trip was just wild the hunting was probably honestly the least interesting part of the trip for me.
Day 1 sept 20 we get up early in anchorage grab breakfast I drop my buddy off and return the uhaul and Uber back to the airport. We had checked our bags and they told us hopefully everything we have gets on the plane but ask us to pick 2 must flys and the 3rd bag is if they have room will travel. Our carry/personal bags must also make 20# of weight. Luckily this little company doesn’t care or watch since after weighing my carry on I stuffed a 12 rack of monsters in my bag

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