Caribou Gear

Immediate prayers needed please


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
NW Iowa
Dear friends, Hopefully some of you late night guys get this and can help with prayers. My son lives in Denver and his friend Joel is currently lost in the mountains of Colorado somewhere. My son doesn't know much but has learned that Joel has been out in the rain and cold all day and has been able to get a text out to the Forest service who is currently looking for him. The FS has some location info based on his text messages but I don't know how accurate they can get with that. This is a scary situation as these young men did not grow up in the mountains and I'm not sure what their survival skills and gear include. As far as my son knows Joel is alone and was just out hiking not hunting. I'm rambling, as a scared father who has been nervous something like this could happen. Please help with prayers for a safe rescue and peace for Joel's family as they await his safe return. 🙏
I just talked to my son on the phone. Joel left the house at 4 am to go to the Estes Park area to go running on the trails somewhere in the mountains. He hadn't been heard from until tonight when he sent a "pin" location and text to his girlfriend who called the rangers. The rangers have put together some people with climbing gear to go in to look for Joel, but they haven't left yet and of course the kids are getting anxious and scared. They are all headed to get together with friends and family to await news from the rescue team. We can get into the coulda, shoulda, wouldda's later, for now lets all please pray this team can find Joel and get him out safely.
I hope for the best. It is good you have phone contact.

For what it is worth, on an iPhone the compass app gives the Long/Lat coordinates at the bottom of the screen. If you hold your finger on the coordinates a "copy" button will pop up. If you click on the copy button you will load the coordinates into the paste buffer. Now you can paste your exact location into a text message.
Prayers sent now..........please update with news as possible.

Thanks so much for all of your prayers guys!! And a bigger thank you to God who has answered them. The 2 rescue climbers just found Joel. They can not get him out in the dark due to weather or conditions, but they are staying with him for the rest of the night. No news on his condition but at least they are with him, he is alive, and I am assuming no bad news is good news! What a relief!!!!!!!!!! thanks again, Give God the glory!!!!! I can't imagine what his parents were going thru. He is around the same age as my son, early 20's. I will update later today when I know more so that hopefully all of us can learn something from this, including Rob's tip.
I was just there last week and had the weather turn in a hurry to cold and snow. We were prepared for it, and it still was very cold and zapped our energy. Being lost in that would have to be a real test mentally and physically and spiritually!
Thank you again for everyone's prayers, now lets all say as many prayers of thanksgiving as we did asking Him for His help :) Joel was able to walk out after sunrise with the rescue team. They got him warmed up on the mountain and to the hospital for evaluation. The kids were waiting at the trailhead in the early morning hours and trying to keep his brother from racing off to search. The rescue team did their job and Joel only has minor frostbite. He spent the day and night in the rain on the mountain in only running shorts, shoes, and a long sleeved shirt. I still don't know if he simply got lost or how he got himself in this predicament, but had he not been in an area where he could get a cell signal out this could have ended much differently. There will be a lot of lessons for all of the kids to learn from this, including the need for a SPOT or similar device, along with leaving travel plans with friends before leaving the house. Joel thought his days on this earth were over, but thankfully he is still with us and is expected to make a full recovery. Thanks again everyone!

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