
I'm not buying points for Colorado anymore, tell me I'm wrong.

I'm in the same boat, only with 3 points. I was leaning towards maybe buying points one more year for elk, but if I keep buying deer points I guess I may as well spend the extra $15 or whatever it is for an elk point. From what I understand I'll never really make much progress but like others have said, it's insurance even if I only want to target a lower pressure 1st rifle unit. In your case, I think there might be some benefit to keep buying deer points if you're going in the next 2-3 years, and if you're doing that you may as well buy an elk point while you're at it...
Question: if someone dies and obviously is no longer applying, their points won't show up in the draws stats, correct? Someone with way more time on their hands than me could take the draw statistics and calculate annual attrition beyond those who are successful in the draw.
If you are a NR thinking about points here is something to consider. These are the units that take 1 to 3 points to draw.

These are basically the only units were your points are "safe", where you likely won't be chasing the creep. (Bull or Either-sex)

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Question: if someone dies and obviously is no longer applying, their points won't show up in the draws stats, correct? Someone with way more time on their hands than me could take the draw statistics and calculate annual attrition beyond those who are successful in the draw.
I don't believe that is correct. CPW would have to be notified of their death and would have to remove their account. If you die I bet your points "hangout" on the list until the 10 years have passed.

I can't think of a way for CPW to tell if someone has died or just hasn't applied for anything in 4 years. Their not going to call the Monongalia coroner in West Virginia every year to get a list of the death certificates for the year and then cross reference them with their point holders.
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How many boomers haven’t drawn and will never draw with 1-2 points below max?

Do you think more or less millennials participate in the points system than boomers did when it started.

IMHO given how few tags there are compared to demand if you started the restarted the system today with everyone at 0 I still wouldn’t buy elk points.

Basically if your 35 with 20 points you have a chance under 15, no chance.
All your doing is helping my points, I appreciate it. Thank you
@belshawelk @Werty

It would take 144 years to get all the NR with 16 or more points drawn for one of the top units.

Say 90% of them are boomers and they all die tomorrow.

That's still 15 years.

Complicating things is many, if not all, of those applicants holding 16 points have hunted for that species in CO in the past 16 years. You can buy a landowner tag or grab a leftover tag or get very lucky by winning a raffle tag and still get a point that year. That is a failing. If you hold a tag then you should lose your points. If no one wants to a leftover tag then after 5 days make it a surplus tag that anyone can get without forfeiting your points. Or, put leftover tags up for bid where you bid points and if are multiple point holders offering the top bid then is a lottery with just those persons with the winner getting the tag and losing their points.
I don't believe that is correct. CPW would have to be notified of their death and would have to remove their account. If you die I bet your points "hangout" on the list until the 10 years have passed.

I can't think of a way for CPW to tell if someone has died or just hasn't applied for anything in 4 years. Their not going to call the Monongalia coroner in West Virginia every year to get a list of the death certificates for the year and then cross reference them with their point holders.
My point is that they won't show up in the draw recap, because they are not submitting an application. Their points are still in the system but are not included in the recap unless they apply. So you should be able to see attrition in the recap.
Complicating things is many, if not all, of those applicants holding 16 points have hunted for that species in CO in the past 16 years. You can buy a landowner tag or grab a leftover tag or get very lucky by winning a raffle tag and still get a point that year. That is a failing. If you hold a tag then you should lose your points. If no one wants to a leftover tag then after 5 days make it a surplus tag that anyone can get without forfeiting your points. Or, put leftover tags up for bid where you bid points and if are multiple point holders offering the top bid then is a lottery with just those persons with the winner getting the tag and losing their points.
About 2.5% of Residents and 9% of NR are in that pool.

You get a tag you lose your points. No exceptions.
My point is that they won't show up in the draw recap, because they are not submitting an application. Their points are still in the system but are not included in the recap unless they apply. So you should be able to see attrition in the recap.
So request, next time your doing gods work, would you mind aksing Danielle or whoever for the Access/XLS or whatever database they use to generate the .pdf reports for the website.

It's a royal PITA to get that data into a workable format and CORA requests are rough. The CORA rep IMHO doesn't really know the best person to contact.
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