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I’m in a pickle…

You’ve been bamboozled my friend. If I can read into the mind of a madman, maybe he thought those two were your buddies and he saw you chatting with them. So maybe he thought you gave them permission, therefore he felt it best to kick all of you.

Like most say above, chat with him and try to understand where his issues are. Expect the worst and hope for the best.
This is the best explanation yet. Giving permission and then having the hunter add extra hunters happens fairly often. It is a safe bet that this landowner has had this happen in the past so he likely assumed the same when he encountered you. This also tend to get landowners blood pressure up to boiling quickly. Best course of action is to find him and explain your side, if he believes you all will be well, if he doesn't best to get out while you can.
If I had been in your shoes, I would have left the two and approached the landowner as soon as I saw him arriving. First words out of my mouth would have been "Did you give these two permission". Can not redo the past so you just have to move forward.
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This is the best explanation yet. Giving permission and then having the hunter add extra hunters happens fairly often. It is a safe bet that this landowner has had this happen in the past so he likely assumed the same when he encountered you. This also tend to get landowners blood pressure up to boiling quickly. Best course of action is to find him and explain your side, if he believes you all will be well, if he doesn't best to get out while you can.
If I had been in your shoes, I would have left the two and approached the landowner as soon as I saw him arriving. First words out of my mouth would have been "Did you give these two permission". Can not redo the past so you just have to move forward.
As a landowner I've had this happen and reacted the same. Only difference was I was right about it.
This is the best explanation yet. Giving permission and then having the hunter add extra hunters happens fairly often. It is a safe bet that this landowner has had this happen in the past so he likely assumed the same when he encountered you. This also tend to get landowners blood pressure up to boiling quickly. Best course of action is to find him and explain your side, if he believes you all will be well, if he doesn't best to get out while you can.
If I had been in your shoes, I would have left the two and approached the landowner as soon as I saw him arriving. First words out of my mouth would have been "Did you give these two permission". Can not redo the past so you just have to move forward.
He literally exploded out of the bushes from a full run 😅 I didn’t get a chance to say a word, I had to interrupt and speak over him to get out “ I have permission from you” … thankfully he heard that part.. I think many of you are pretty spot on though. It makes sense. I just gotta find him again. The other two aren’t in such a bad way IMO. They were given permission by others on the property and don’t know that guy from Adam, so who is he to kick them out. they can easily say, send so&so to kick me out.. lol I need to meet the people that gave those two permission 😂😂
Haha sounds like it turned sideways quick. Written permission is really the only way your going to be able to show anyone else you actually have permission including the warden. Always awkward to ask someone if they mind writing it down after you just told you such but most do appreciate that your trying to do it the right way. I always have a pen and pad in the truck. One time after I was given permission and told him I have some paper do you mind writing it down just incase the warden comes by, dude ended up drawing me a nice map of his place and everything with it. Phone number too get his number next time so you can let him know you'll be going in.
I gave permission to a guy one time. I caught 2 guys hunting that told me to kiss their asses because they paid to hunt……

The guy I gave permission to was charging people to hunt. Needless to say that wasn’t a very good conversation I had with him. I gained a bunch of treestands too. He asked to go get them and I told him I did t even wanna see him on a county road near any of my farms.

4 years later he shot a deer on one of my farms and drug it across the fence in the snow. He thought I was mad the first time, the 2nd time was was worse.
I gave permission to a guy one time. I caught 2 guys hunting that told me to kiss their asses because they paid to hunt……

The guy I gave permission to was charging people to hunt. Needless to say that wasn’t a very good conversation I had with him. I gained a bunch of treestands too. He asked to go get them and I told him I did t even wanna see him on a county road near any of my farms.

4 years later he shot a deer on one of my farms and drug it across the fence in the snow. He thought I was mad the first time, the 2nd time was was worse.
People are brazen, sheesh. Most of the time I’m too timid to even knock on a door because I don’t want to be interrupting dinner or something.

We had a few acres when I was a kid that my dad used to fart around on. Clearly posted with our phone number on the signs. We’d find fresh redneck 2x4 tree stands drilled right into trees every year, no one ever actually called before claiming it as theirs (and we would’ve probably let them hunt).
I gave permission to a guy one time. I caught 2 guys hunting that told me to kiss their asses because they paid to hunt……

The guy I gave permission to was charging people to hunt. Needless to say that wasn’t a very good conversation I had with him. I gained a bunch of treestands too. He asked to go get them and I told him I did t even wanna see him on a county road near any of my farms.

4 years later he shot a deer on one of my farms and drug it across the fence in the snow. He thought I was mad the first time, the 2nd time was was worse.
Yeah that’s unbelievable. It’s no wonder there’s such a land grab in Montana… it’s the same song and dance. I really appreciated this guys offer and would never want to offend him or leave a trace at all…

I could understand if there’s 3 guys fighting about who’s got permission, right in his honey hole..

If he saw me without the facepaint, in my pickup, I know he’d be cool. I really have no ill intentions anywhere I go. I’m really by the book. So much so that I’ve been called many names…. 😂
Yeah that’s unbelievable. It’s no wonder there’s such a land grab in Montana… it’s the same song and dance. I really appreciated this guys offer and would never want to offend him or leave a trace at all…

I could understand if there’s 3 guys fighting about who’s got permission, right in his honey hole..

If he saw me without the facepaint, in my pickup, I know he’d be cool. I really have no ill intentions anywhere I go. I’m really by the book. So much so that I’ve been called many names…. 😂

I sure wasn’t implying this is the case with you. The sad part is my family and I used to give a lot of people permission to hunt. Not always, but things would blow up on us with hunter squabbles, people bringing a bunch of friends, tearing up fields, etc. It can be frustrating, so the guy might be crazy, or he might just be fed up.
Old permission is the worst. Somebody gets permission one time 20 years ago and they still hunting it like it is their own. Tend to get really mad when u take away their access.
Goose hunters also do this thing where they get permission by themselves then bring like 15 guys. My FIL realized what they were doing and started charging per gun per day.
I hate asking permission. One of the reasons I mostly stick to public ground. But yeah in this case I'd call and apologize for upsetting him and ask what I needed to do to make it right.
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While we were speaking to each other the gentleman that gave me my permission came barreling through the trees and told us all we needed to get the F out! I told him I had permission from you and he said no you don’t get the F out so we all agreed and grabbed our things and started walking. At which point, he said we’ll talk later then. I acknowledged him and we went on our way.
You haven’t gone back to talk to him since he said, “we’ll talk later then..”?

Seems you should have done that LONG before posting a pickle post that likely would have changed your position entirely.
You haven’t gone back to talk to him since he said, “we’ll talk later then..”?

Seems you should have done that LONG before posting a pickle post that likely would have changed your position entirely.
I posted the pickle post within an hour of that happening, I don’t have his number, he’s at a different house every time I see him on the property, and this might be the 8th time I’ve ever seen him ever… the first 6-7 he said I’m good anywhere. Have you not kept up with the story?
Permission should be only for a specific time, date, type of vehicle, and who the hunters are. Normally ask each year, people assume it goes on forever. We had a large farm in Oklahoma when I was a kid, and it was family first and once we got one or were done hunting my Dad would let a few other go in and hunt a specific area. It was safer that way and no one was over-running one another. It’s his land and if he tells you to get off, you should stay off. There are a hundred other spots on public that will hold game at some point of the liberal season. Maybe try the public up above, good luck
I posted the pickle post within an hour of that happening, I don’t have his number, he’s at a different house every time I see him on the property, and this might be the 8th time I’ve ever seen him ever… the first 6-7 he said I’m good anywhere. Have you not kept up with the story?
Apparently not…

Good luck with it. Seems until you sit down with him like he said to do, you’ll never figure it out.

Enjoy the pickle. You can either make it a bitter dill or a sweet gerkins. Guess that’s your choice.