I've been busier than busy trying to get this facility up to snuff (being top dog in the berry patch, has it's ups and downs)...
It's an 82,000,000 square foot facility with all the great things lots of people love, including 10 miles of dirt roads, about 3/4 of a mile of trails (which I hope to expand soon), fishing, 2 pools, 2 hot tubs and a little put put which will be twice as large this time next year.
Over the last 30 years, every thing's been put in kinda half assed sort of way
My job was to get the employees on track to get things done around here in a more unified manor than the helter skelter way it's been done all along.
With that on track after three months the place is finally coming into shape, while there are still a lot of things to do, there's a semblance of order starting to be seen
I'm getting a lot of time in, been averaging around 320 hours a month and on salary, it isn't paying what it could.
But hey, I'm not complaining by any stretch, I get up, thinking... what do I want to do today... When the crew comes in two hours later, I tell them the game plan and that’s what we get to do... What could be better than working outside, in a beautiful setting every day, making your own hours, having a crew that is happy to clean up behind you, play the politics (such as this board has banned which is a good thing for this board), and every one seem to think I'm doing a bang up job... (At least I have a ton of people fooled
Other than that, I now have satellite Internet that is far and above faster than the dial up I had, and now can do a little more on this form of entertainment as I can find a little time to do it now.
One thing about dumping all the hours into this place, when hunting season comes up, I will be taking the seasons off to chase things, as most of my chores will be done or at least caught up... WOO!!!HOO!!!
I was up visiting Raybow a couple days ago and getting an awesome elk hunt planned...
I still have a few on the board I have to contact about other hunting and fishing ventures that were in the works before I left Montana
I'm running down to Wally world tomorrow to pick up another play set for the monsters to play on, so that should be fun (shopping with some one else’s credit card that refills after every month of spending)
One of the coolest things I've found here so far and it was only a couple days ago, on the edge of the property, there’s a really nice bow range, with a little work and some target bags, I will be making a 95-100 yard range, that should be enough to make things fun and a little challenging
Well, the days growing long and I've been at it for over 11 hours already (average day) I think I'm heading on
Until next time all, I'll still be posting pics in not to long, didn't want to with dial up, it would take months to get a few up.
It's an 82,000,000 square foot facility with all the great things lots of people love, including 10 miles of dirt roads, about 3/4 of a mile of trails (which I hope to expand soon), fishing, 2 pools, 2 hot tubs and a little put put which will be twice as large this time next year.
Over the last 30 years, every thing's been put in kinda half assed sort of way
My job was to get the employees on track to get things done around here in a more unified manor than the helter skelter way it's been done all along.
With that on track after three months the place is finally coming into shape, while there are still a lot of things to do, there's a semblance of order starting to be seen
I'm getting a lot of time in, been averaging around 320 hours a month and on salary, it isn't paying what it could.
But hey, I'm not complaining by any stretch, I get up, thinking... what do I want to do today... When the crew comes in two hours later, I tell them the game plan and that’s what we get to do... What could be better than working outside, in a beautiful setting every day, making your own hours, having a crew that is happy to clean up behind you, play the politics (such as this board has banned which is a good thing for this board), and every one seem to think I'm doing a bang up job... (At least I have a ton of people fooled
Other than that, I now have satellite Internet that is far and above faster than the dial up I had, and now can do a little more on this form of entertainment as I can find a little time to do it now.
One thing about dumping all the hours into this place, when hunting season comes up, I will be taking the seasons off to chase things, as most of my chores will be done or at least caught up... WOO!!!HOO!!!
I was up visiting Raybow a couple days ago and getting an awesome elk hunt planned...
I still have a few on the board I have to contact about other hunting and fishing ventures that were in the works before I left Montana
I'm running down to Wally world tomorrow to pick up another play set for the monsters to play on, so that should be fun (shopping with some one else’s credit card that refills after every month of spending)
One of the coolest things I've found here so far and it was only a couple days ago, on the edge of the property, there’s a really nice bow range, with a little work and some target bags, I will be making a 95-100 yard range, that should be enough to make things fun and a little challenging
Well, the days growing long and I've been at it for over 11 hours already (average day) I think I'm heading on
Until next time all, I'll still be posting pics in not to long, didn't want to with dial up, it would take months to get a few up.