Kenetrek Boots

Illinois Game & Fish Magazine Article

Not sure if I should post on this thread or not in fear of upseting someone but here it goes LOL.
I to saw in our bi weekly paper "Wisconsin Outdoor News" an artical with Randy I assume it was the same one. I think it would be great to have Randy or anyone from any where come to the midwest and give it a shot.There can be some great hunting in the midwest on public land though I havnt hunted Illinos so I cant speak for that state.I was told by someone here on the site when I first joined that there is nothing western about eastern or midwest hunting. I have hunted in Minn (public ground) and my home state of Wisconsin (both public and private).I see alot of non res hunters wherever I go but that being said it does seem to me public land in Minn and WI is mostly hunted by locals and Hmongs yes Hmongs.Most of the nonres have private ground to hunt most of our non res are from illinos.The public land in the midwest is smaller parcels and it does seem to get hunted much harder.I have found that if you do some reasearch and hunt during the right seasons you can have alot of it to yourself.If you decide to hunt the opener of the gun season on public land expect to have a handfull of hunters walk under your stand and ask you if you are having any luck the first two days.If you come after the opener and hunt public it can be tough to even see any deer.But if you make a few changes things can be enjoyable.Come here bowhunting during the rut and 9 out of ten times you can get away from hunters and have good luck.I have found the best public hunting with a gun in both Minn and Wi to be in the swamps where most people will not go. My point of view is anything can happen no matter where you hunt.
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