If you thought prop 127 was bad….

I heard about this last night on the smartwolfpolicy.com zoom meeting. They have 2 more initiatives that are in the works. The wording of this one is tricky and deceiving. We will need to start preparing to properly educate CO voters on this proposed committee that would drastically impact rural and ranching lifestyles as well as sportsmen.
The fights are just getting started. Unfortunately ballot measures like the smart wolf policy one will need to take a back seat. They have a very uphill battle to begin with to even make the ballot that in the end doesn’t really effect any change in co.

All efforts will be for this ballot measure and the others they throw. They will ballot shop just like initiative 110 and 91 to see what sticks
Who is pushing this? This looks like a direct attempt to eliminate or neutralize the CPW Commission.

This is how it all ends in Colorado. They will use this body to circumvent CPW. Establish species as “keystone” and then push to end any and all harvest. We have to defeat this.
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I took away from it harming keystone species was listed along with endangered species. What and who defines a keystone species? Also who is defining harm?
-the wecc will be in charge of defining endangered and keystone species and establishes they can make their own list free of state or federal input.

- they also have appointed themselves as the new governing body for any reason cpw would be altered including budget cuts (ie see all the budget problems being forced on cpw currently with wolves, invertebrates bills, gun bills, parks spending and cuts to non resident tags) this is one orchestrated chess match with collusion from the governors office. The road map will be set to defund cpw so wecc can take over.

-they have also only allowed public comment twice a year in proposed measure

-it implements immediately if voted on favorably in 2026

-it defines who serves on the wecc and why csu and environmental groups will be in charge of the board
-implies insane fines to anyone who defies it

And the list goes on

This is their magnum opus. They failed at the Comission with mountain lions and predator management in their view. they failed with hb25-1258 so they will now go to the ballot just like wolves with 114 and lions with 127
Who is pushing this? This looks like a direct attempt to eliminate or neutralize the CPW Commission.

This is how it all ends in Colorado. They will use this body to circumvent CPW. Establish species as “keystone” and then push to end any and all harvest. We have to defeat this.
It has yet to be seen but the usual players are likely to play out

Wayne pacelle with animal wellness etc

Samantha miller is the new policy director for center of biological diversity

Deillia Malone with Sierra club

Gary Skiba San Juan citizens alliance

Erik molvar western watersheds

They all will be involved if I had to make my predictions
They will establish keystone species and critical corridors, then usurp CPW authority by eliminating any harvest of wildlife in those corridors and/or of those species. If allowed to pass, this is how hunting ends in Colorado. Not an single representative of hunting, angling, agriculture, outdoor recreation, etc.
Sigh. I know it will never end but there are days I sure wish it would. This is the biggest fight the hunting/angling/ranching/recreation communities have ever faced. Yes, I included recreation....there's no way this won't stop anything other than passive recreation in wildlife corridors (not to mention ranching): "Protection is defined as maintaining natural habitat conditions, prohibiting development or harmful land uses, and ensuring connectivity for wildlife movement." On the surface I think "there's no way this could pass" but that's just wishful thinking.

I don't even know how to fight this one. They have it worded so that it sounds very logical and scientific.
Sigh. I know it will never end but there are days I sure wish it would. This is the biggest fight the hunting/angling/ranching/recreation communities have ever faced. Yes, I included recreation....there's no way this won't stop anything other than passive recreation in wildlife corridors (not to mention ranching): "Protection is defined as maintaining natural habitat conditions, prohibiting development or harmful land uses, and ensuring connectivity for wildlife movement." On the surface I think "there's no way this could pass" but that's just wishful thinking.

I don't even know how to fight this one. They have it worded so that it sounds very logical and scientific.
We start at the title board picking apart the language. Then we try to establish a decline to sign campaign then if it gets ratified and on the ballot we fight like hell. We lean into the scientists and the real facts and the real data. Everything they lack.

But we need $$$$$$$$ it never ends and it sucks continually asking for $$$ but that’s what they have. Their followers give every month to lies and plead with emails saying wolves will go extinct or stop trophy hunters.

Everyone needs to be rallying around this issue alone in CO (hopefully we don’t see this pop up elsewhere) again this is the reason like stop the wolf reintroduction or any other “ right to hunt and fish” ballot measure is wishful thinking and downright foolish if you ask me. Until polis is out at the very least we must play defense and hold the line.
I guess I am the sky is FALLEN guy......but the administration of this state is a lost cause. I have lived here for 17 years and have watched the decline of reason in favor of the "feels" get exponentionally worse. It is simply a question of what the toilet that is the "Denver/Boulder/FoCo/Aurora" metroplex decide are their issues du jour. No matter what one may think politically, if you think THOSE constituencies are in ANY way good for hunting in ANY manner you have lost your mind.
I recently heard a professor say prairie dogs were keystone species. Im sure he would qualify for this ecology board.
Every animal they don’t wanted hunted will be a “keystone” species. Expect mountain lions, black bears, and bighorn sheep first, as they have already questioned the hunting of all those species publicly.
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