If you could hunt with one person from this board..

I'm with most here about too many to choose from. I would like to one day hunt with everyone from the board and then make the decision. I think you could learn a little something from everyone. But if I had to go with the first topic it would be a close tie between Greenhorn and AZ402. Greenhorn because of his track record of huge animals and AZ402 for the simple fact he knows what he's doing in AZ. That would probably also mean I finally drew an Arizona tag. :) :)
I was going to say MTmiller, but based on his comments, I don't guess we have a mutual agreement. ;)

I'm taking a number if I want to hunt w/ Greenhorn.

I've goose hunted with Moosie, sheep hunted with Lilbiggun and been on a number of hunts with Jose to include; deer, bear and goose. I gotta say, "I loves me some hunting with Jose."
I've met some people from the board.

I'd hunt with any of them. But if I had to pick one it would be the comedian. Trophies are great but when the guys get together and talk past hunting and fishing, it's the funny stories that we retell over and over.
Yeah I know, we don't get any trophies.:D
Jose and/or JB - the words, "Ooops" and "Accidental discharge cometo mind.

cali, thats a hit below the belt.
you know, when i think of the words "Ooops" and Accidental discharge" i think of calif. hunter's father for some reason.....
oh and by the way, this thread has a serious fag tone to it.
I'd have to say I'd rather just hunt alone... Besides the "I want to blow Greenhorn line" is getting to long. ;)
Bambistew said:
I'd have to say I'd rather just hunt alone... Besides the "I want to blow Greenhorn line" is getting to long. ;)
You gotta give Greenhorn credit where credit is due. I would love to hunt with him because NOBODY spends more time pre-season scouting the best Strippers, tittie bars, and Pole Dancers. That kind of research is invaluable. hump

Actually, I have had the good fortune to hunt with a number of good guys from this board, Nemont, Ovis, WallyDog, IdBugler, Wylee, T-Bone, and probably a few others that I am forgetting. I would gladly hunt with any of them again, and am hoping to hunt with them all again.

For new people, if I ever draw an AZ Elk tag, given a choice between CJ or AZ402, I would probably prefer AZ402 as I am guessing CJ would spend all his time hiding from Aliens, Illegal.

For my Nevada tag, it would be FairchaseBen, and we could take turns looking for big bulls and ATVs.

For Wyoming, either the punk, WyoDeerHunter and I could buy me some of them new Adiddas SuperStar hunting shoes if I can't get him to switch to And1. Or Buzz if I choose the more traditional hunt where you wear boots instead of hoops shoes.

For Montana, it would be Axl for ducks/geese, MtMiller for fat chicks, and Nemont for anything on the Eastern half.

And then there are others who I would gladly help if they came to my Country, but I don't think I would travel to their locale to hunt, guys like Oak, MarvB, NoHarley, etc... Just can't see hunting Texas, Calif, and Colo.

For Fishing, I would love to fish with Buzz just to steal all of his Idaho spots that he can't seem to get over to fish often enough. (For bass, maybe Del, just to see if he would try pushing me off the boat....).
Jose, To think I have had my eye on a Brown eyed Doe just for you! You should be pretty busy with the grade of hunters mentioned above! John
but I don't think I would travel to their locale to hunt
....now I'm hurt....:( what- we've got 3 species of elk, 2 species of deer, bear, sheep, antelope, hogs, upland game.....oh, wait I remember- You just can't draw a tag in this fuggin state, that's why I don't hunt here either :mad:

Here are a couple (not mine of course) Cali bucks from last year:


Anyone who is passionate and has a tolerance for being picked on and can handle bad gas is who i would hunt with.. or not hunt with i guess you can say. I am not much for guys who are afraid to pack in a few miles and need a comfy motel or camper at night, or even a huge packed in camp and give up fast. I like hunting a certain kind of way i guess. Me and my buddy Dave do a lot together where we go our seperate ways but meet up at the end of the day to chat and compare notes. Then when one guy kills something he becomes the full time guide for the other. I would love to hunt with anyone as just a helper and caller if he wants. I would tag along with a lot of guys if they drew an Oryx tag and wanted my help and that kind of stuff.
So, there are too many to list... Stan, Lickbag Miller, Moosie, Ovis the Novis, Deerking, Kurt, Buzz to name a few and there are many more.
Actually it would be fun hunting "cans" with CJ down in AZ :D
Sheeeet! Schmalts you're on my list too, at least until I read the part about the gas. You can pack your own tent and I'll let you hunt down wind of me. :p
Ovis said:
Sheeeet! Schmalts you're on my list too, at least until I read the part about the gas. You can pack your own tent and I'll let you hunt down wind of me. :p
Me and Dave have had our revenge on eachother in years past. One year he claimed my tent filled with gas so rapidly it looked like a hot air balloon tied down ready to launch. The whole reason we both pack our own tents rather than share one to save wheight
I'd hunt with Basser of course. Good bet that he's the only person on this board who's a worse shot than me! :D
AzSlim said:
Is Cindy Garrison a member of this board? Huh, Huh, I want to hunt with her....:D

Or go Fishing...


I found 2 on Google.. the Above one I'm guessing you were talking about and not this one ?


Nut said:
It would be easier for me to name who I would not hunt with:eek: :D :p

Since people are naming many.....

Hogs....with Cali Hunter



Whitetails.....dgibson,Meathead,Flipper,Danr(if he would come to Ohio),schmalts,Draftstud,Whiskers,pa mt man,JasonLee,noharley,etc,etc

Bass Fishing and Burro slaying....Delw:cool: :D


Alaska....anybody that lives there:eek:
I would want to hunt with my hunting buddy, Kraven. Why, cause we have been doing it for 4 years now and its always a laugh and someone ususaly gets a shot at something. And to take my sons along too.

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