
If you can only do one.....

One advantage of a SOAR instead of a conventional raft is packability.
For sheep hunting, look at pack rafts....
that was my original idea because of the guy who brought it up.... then I started thinking about it even more and was trying to decide what was feasible. Thanks AlaskaHunter!
I have an ATV but rarely use it hunting as I want to get away from the competition.
I Either fly in or use a jet boat/canoe.
By using a canoe to get over log jams and beaver dams, I rarely see or hear other hunters.
I like a small 16 foot jet boat so when I get stuck, I can get unstuck soloView attachment 170039 by prying the boat.
Can you describe or show more pictures of what your dog is lying in in that canoe? Is that some sort of dog bed thing you made, or some other thing he just happens to be lying in? Half curiosity, but if its some sort of thing that makes it easier to travel with a dog in a canoe I'm interested in what you have there.
Can you describe or show more pictures of what your dog is lying in in that canoe? Is that some sort of dog bed thing you made, or some other thing he just happens to be lying in? Half curiosity, but if its some sort of thing that makes it easier to travel with a dog in a canoe I'm interested in what you have there.
Looks like a camp pad tucked into a Jet Sled laid into the bottom of the canoe.
I suspect depending on if you get a boat or a raft or quad it will determine where your gonna hunt. Floating things only travel by water. Then too you may end up having to pack in your water travel if a motor won't work where you go. On the other hand a quad will take you down the river and back and get you miles off the river! It will also pack out your game! Well maybe not a whole moose! Of course if you have money to burn get both! When I was upo there to get up the Little lusitna we used a friends boat with a pump on it. Went in on a glacier river south of Anchourage and in spot's we had to get out and pull the canoe with a 3hp motor! But up side is we were fishing, not hunting! Moose weight's more than a few fish, even a few big salmon! The quad really opens up access for you!
I suspect depending on if you get a boat or a raft or quad it will determine where your gonna hunt. Floating things only travel by water. Then too you may end up having to pack in your water travel if a motor won't work where you go. On the other hand a quad will take you down the river and back and get you miles off the river! It will also pack out your game! Well maybe not a whole moose! Of course if you have money to burn get both! When I was upo there to get up the Little lusitna we used a friends boat with a pump on it. Went in on a glacier river south of Anchourage and in spot's we had to get out and pull the canoe with a 3hp motor! But up side is we were fishing, not hunting! Moose weight's more than a few fish, even a few big salmon! The quad really opens up access for you!
this is true. On the reverse side:
70% of the hunting population has side by sides and quads. So you are competing with a majority of hunters. Then boats, then airplanes. Walk in hunts are also a little less likely to see groups depending on what it is.
I like the idea because probably 30% of the hunting populace in Alaska hunts from a boat and if you are willing to walk away from your boat for a few days you probably have an even higher chance of success.
For now I'll stick with my quad but hopefully someday I'll be able to do more. Thank you all for your discussion.
Can you describe or show more pictures of what your dog is lying in in that canoe? Is that some sort of dog bed thing you made, or some other thing he just happens to be lying in? Half curiosity, but if its some sort of thing that makes it easier to travel with a dog in a canoe I'm interested in what you have there.
Just a ridge rest camping pad in the jet sled. I like them for keeping the lab warm and dry when duck hunting.
I simply turn the sled upside down to drain and put the pad back on while the dog is out retrieving.
@AlaskaHunter thats good - I could do that for my Pudelpointer as well. She was getting a little cold and I was trying to figure out a better way to keep her warm and dry.
Nice Video!!!
I agree with the above statement. The jet boat/canoe is underrated. It is slow but I've made some long upriver trips in a canoe after running out of jet water.
you only need 6 inches of water with a jet boat, probably less with those cute modern ones, but having said that driving one in low water does require expertise
I love the idea of floating a canoe - i don't know growing up on Jim Bridger, Jeremiah Johnson and Kit Carson stories I've always wanted to Horseback and Canoe Float hunt.
Someday I'll do both.
I should look into buying a canoe...... probably cheaper than an inflatable raft.

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