If it ain't broke, don't fix it..


New member
Nov 19, 2010
Kalispell, Montana
Sometimes we old timers have some great insight to hunting, sometimes we don't,
but OYOA ain't broke, so it don't need fixin.
I just watched a Dakota Mule Deer Archery Hunt on OYOA. Had to go get on my hunting jacket when Randy started shaking from the cold and then aced a nice Muley. It wasn't
the biggest deer, but it was a great deer. And .. if FIN don't use hand and feet warmers he deserves the Golden Icicle Award?
This show continues to amaze me at how a rewarding hunt can be carried out by using the old tried and true methods and on public land.
Each episode just keeps me excited about finding OYOA. Im going to Bozeman in the spring to meet Randy and his crew upon invitation and I am more excited than any of my years in Television to talk about this show. Having overseen thousands of hours of video news and sports I will see what I can learn in my "UPPER MIDDLE AGE YEARS".(74)
I tape and rerun and rerun the shows to find something I can suggest or point out ...all I can say is IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT". I do so enjoy the voice not being drowned out by rap music, not having to watch as the hosts spread seed and place feeders.
Oh, when I meet Randy I will have some "tweaks" I think might work, but I enjoy OYOA
just like it is..Well Done.
Echo 7
My wife made a comment the other day about how much the hosts push product. She hasn't watched an episode of OYOA yet. I'll see if she notices the lack of it in OYOA.
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