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Idaho's draw hunts are out!

A cow tag is better than no tag
Thanks for the info. Ron.I just checked,
Steve and I got our draw for Antelope :D Yeeeeehaaaaa
We didnt get the late season deer tags we put in for :(
Im not complaning ,this should keep us plenty busy.
Best of Luck to the rest of you that are still waiting.
Wooooohooooooo I got a antelope tag
:cool: :cool:

Way to go! After talking with you about my
Grandpa, it sounded like you really wanted
to go knock one down.I'm assuming he didn't
draw out on the antelope tag. Good luck on the hunt. Go get
Congrats MD4Me! Where did you draw? I put in for unit 42 and was unsuccessful, just like every other year. I didn't draw my unit 40 buck tag either, go figure.
Spotted Owl,I was wondering if you put him in or not.
You know if he changes his mind and decides he would like to hunt the general Deer season he still has that option.

Let me know when you find out for sure if you got the antelope tag or not.
Did you check online?
Give us a call if you make it over this way
I better get my rifle out and start shooting.
OH so much to do so little time
Hey Canoe,we drew unit 37 .
Sorry you didnt get your deer hunt,we didnt either.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 06-20-2002 14:35: Message edited by: Muledeer4me ]</font>
Elkhunter, You are right. At least I won't have to eat salad all next winter. ;)
Debbie you lucky stinking dog! My daughter REAAALLLLLYYYYY wanted a pronghorn tag, I am envious. Next year we will apply here and in Wyoming if I can find a place to do it. What unit did you draw in to? Ron
Holy crap!! My dad and I were 2 of 19 Nonresidents that got drawn for unit 29 elk!! Yahoo!! If anyone knows where we should start scouting feel free to post or email me!! Thanks in advance.
I might be able to help ya out, it is steep country so first of all get them legs and back in shape drop me an email; and see what I can do for you. Also not alot of access but once back there it is all forest service land. Congrats
Ron,we will be hunting unit 37.
Its not the best place as far as trophy class antelope from what I hear ,but we love the area.
We also will be elk hunting around the same area.
Good Luck to your daughter LOL ( I wish I had her skill & luck ) ;) What a girl!!!
When is your hunt date's?
We Elk hunt in the Lemhi Zone,Unit 29 is part of that zone.
Good Luck .
Its looking to be a full hunting season ,I hope Steve doesnt kill me before its over.
I cant wait for all the pictures & storys from everyone.
Debbie, unit 37 HAS good ones there. A friend of mine shot A 16" buck there a couple of years ago.
Call the F&G office in Salmon I think. Ask them for a the last herd composition report.
I know our area here has fallen behind on them for Pronghorn. But it might not hurt to ask. Ron
BTW good luck!
Well, I was skunked again! Five years in a row, and not drawn once. Oh well, I'll just hunt the regular seasons and perhaps I can put some elk and venison in the freezer, anyway.

Hey, Canoe, I put in for Area 40, too. There are some monster bucks in that area.

Maybe next year....???


I did check on line for Gramps. The poor guy
didn't draw, but hey we gave it our best shot. Good luck to you on your quest for
an animal that has a couple of bumps coming
out of his head the size of small baseball
bats! :D You and Steve will have a great
time stalking these praire ghosts. Good

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