Idaho Wildlife Summitt

Wally Dog

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2002
After attending all sessions in Boise I have a few observations.
The Summit was attended by virtually all user groups both Consumptive and Non consumptive. A very diverse mix RMEF/NWTF etc. to HSUS.
The process was interesting, enlightening and inspiring. There was no bickering, no public outbursts and civility reigned. I think most were acquainted with Idaho Fish and Games' needs for funding and I believe most were hoping to make a difference. There was much sharing of thoughts and ideas and it'll be a process to wrap them all together. But we've been assured that's happening. The speakers shared information as well as inspiration. Check in on this link as F&G updates the available links to speakers, polling and such. Shane Mahoney delivered one the most powerful 45 minute speeches I've ever heard. If for no other reason check back to listen Shane's piece. It was a enormous undertaking by ID F&G, the first of it's kind. Montana FWP had a contingent in attendance watching the process. It's very likely the Summit will be replicated in other States.
It was impressive. I sincerely hope great things come from it.

WD, thanks for taking the time to attend the Idaho Wildlife Summitt. I'm glad to hear such a positive report from you and am looking forward to seeing the output reports.

Mr. Mahoney is great, isn't he? I use quotes from him all the time. Like this quote from Shane Mahoney:

"The commercial slaughter of sentient animals seldom leads to musings about the purpose of life, or enthrallment with the wondrous capacities of nature; but hunting surely does. Only in man’s wildness lies the only chance for sustaining nature. Hunting accomplishes this as no other activity can, for it forces us to the very limits of natural engagement. Voyeurism is one thing; taking a life and consuming flesh is quite another."
Followed it on line some and got to hear some of Shane Mahoney's speech. I liked what I heard of his speech. Thanks for the link I'll listen to it all now.
I was unable to attend, but I'm glad to hear this report. You'd have thought from all the editorials in my local paper it was going to be a meeting held exclusively to transform IDFG into an official arm of HSUS.
I was there on Saturday and concur with WD's post. I watched online Friday and Sunday, and submitted all their polls. I hope IDFG can provide a method to maintain the momentum generated by the event.
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