Game farmers, champions of wildlife

Washington, because they are all privately owned. To my knowledge the only free roaming herd ( that has absolutely no fence ) is at House Rock Ranch in AZ. Here in Montana they say the herd on the Bison Range is free roaming but there is a 10 foot fence all the way around it.
Well there is the Yellowstone bison, they're not fenced. I believe bison were in every state in this country at one time, so why would they not qualify as endangered species under the Endangered Species Act? Not that I think they should, I'm just wondering why they're not, when frogs, lizards, and salamanders are on the list, why not bison?
Beardown- There's a free ranging herd in the Henry Mtns of UT and they allow hunts as well.

WH- One thing that may keep bison off the List is that there are very few pure bred bison anywhere. Most have a % of domesticated cattle genes, making them hybrids which are not protected by ESA. That is the argument used by some to get the red wolf removed from the list. They claim that it is a hybrid between timber wolves and coyotes.

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