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Idaho Unit 27-2 Bighorn Sheep

at 8-9 miles from the campground, are you sure you were in Unit 27-2?

another tip is that I never have seen a mature ram with ewes. It's fun to watch them because you see sheep....but don't waste your time with them.

I know of one other hunter that killed a nice 160" ram while with a nursery group of ewes and lambs. All other rams that I know of were in bachelor groups or solo. Look for the ram tracks to verify they are around.
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I went by Harbor and Wilson Lakes at about 6 miles which are in the unit. I then camped at Birdbill Lake (which is not in the unit) figuring I could go out three different directions into the unit from there.
The Sheep I saw were all young rams, 5/8 curl at best. I'm hoping for at least 3/4 curl. The hunter I talked to that hired the outfitter, base on the distance they are going in, are going to the Goat Lake area. Although the outfitter didn't say that specifically.
Pointer was just giving you a heads up.

My encounters with he and his guides were brief, curt, and tight lipped.

Other DIYers have had yelling matches with him. Others have had pack animals mysteriously become untied in the middle of the night.

He views that country as his and the DIYers as a threat to his business.

If he has a paying client that will pay for inches, I'd bet a milkshake that he has a guide there right now babysitting a big ram.
I guess I shouldn't be shocked when a guide or outfitter act like a certain animal or drainage belongd to them even on public land. Last year while hunting with my brother in AZ there were 2 guys hunting archery bull elk and had a local guide purposely scare a bull away that was headed to the waterhole they were hunting.
What a piece of $#!t.
Saw the same Guide shennanagins happen in Unit 11 in Idaho last year. We were watching our friend try to get down within range of 3 very nice 180-190 class rams when I caught a 20yr old guy sneaking on the back side of our finger ridge trying to get around us. That AM we had mysterious shooting into the top end of our canyon, obviously trying to scare away the rams that had been in there all season. Through some careful questioning, he admitted to working for the guide though he carefully admitted he was "scouting for the upcoming elk season", which was BS. This is the same guide who had a hunter kill two rams at one time at the end of a season in an "accident". Real class acts some of these guys. On the other hand I have had some interraction with some guys like Mike Scott, hunts out of the White Clouds, who are first class.

Love the thread, hope to hear more and not that the fires have ruined it all. Praying for rain.
So I just came across this thread, Why didn't someone give me the heads up :)

I'm anxious to head about your endeavors. I was one of the successful ones and was in with T-Bone and UtraHunter both. I'm the sexy one on both hunts ;)

Melton (Or his Gang) Reads these forums too. I never had any issues with him. I know he kept track of my truck at the trail head. I looked at it as more or a safety feature for me then an Issue.

It's into your season, Fill us in when you can. Don't hesitate to contact me. [email protected] is an Email of mine.

I will be in and out because I drew a Crags goat hunt. Just in a little different area.

I'm sending my Moosie luck and Best wishes your way Amigo !!
I saw IPC1 at his camp on Monday and as of that point no sheep had been spotted in his unit or mine. Fires are still going and the trail past big Clear lake is closed due to it. Lots of traffic with fire crews and pleasure hikers. I hiked out Monday night to be greeted with a flat tire. Hiked up from the lower section of my unit yesterday and spotted 2 small rams. A different drainage this AM produced another small ram and 8 ewes. In Salmon now getting the flat fixed and am heading back in!
Idaho Predator Control 1. Hello there. Me and my hunting partner have also drawn a 27-2 sheep tag. First year we applied as well. (please don't hate us guys we are normally not that lucky.) We attempted to get in from the river with no luck. We got cliffed out twice trying to get up goat creek. It was to smokey to see a good route. We saw some ewes and lambs. One tiny ram just outside of our unit. We are not picky about our rams, really any ram will be grand. We also tried going upstream from goat creek and yet again were unable to get passed. Clear Creek is washed out apparently so our option now is to try for the Crags from the campground. How is the trail? Have you seen anything in there?
I don't know how I missed this thread all summer. Ha Ha. We are going to go in from the crags campground on the 15th of this month. Idaho Predator Control 1 here is a better site for fire updates. I threw a signal flare in my pack just in case I need to make a big black spot to hang out in. It's a good trick if you get cut off and are at risk of being burned over. But be darned careful putting fire on the ground. Better be life and death. The fires are starting to cut off the route. We were planning on heading to Harbor lake but the trail is closed now. Bummer. We will try for another lake. If we run into sheep before you shoot your sheep we'll be sure to update you on locations we are seeing them.

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