Idaho Special Draw


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2012
Southwest Idaho
Not that I'm not getting my fill of this subject from over on the MM site. But the IDF&G are taking their sweet time in finalizing this special draw.

I feel like I've probably pressed my point so much it's exhausting now about this and the 10 year old hunting age. I am still hopeful though that I might draw as there were actually a few tags put back in after their fiasco with the youngsters.

I have plenty to say on the subject, and have already. But now that the decision has been made I guess the only thing I can do is sit by and see if I still am able to pull a tag out of the 1st draw. Even though I am pretty much against the fact of adding all the additional tags just to try and make people happy...but I won't give it up, as it obviously should have been mine anyways if I do draw it. As should a lot more since the parents on those party tags should have been thrown out for the year...per regulations.

"Two Wrongs don't make a Right"...pretty simple methodology. I think it's time for an overhaul at the IDF&G office. There are quite a few down to earth, common sense folk even on this forum I've seen lending their opinion that seem to bring a lot more to the table then what I've seen unfold the past few years at the IDF&G office.
I just checked on IDFG's site to see if they did the draw, thought "why is it taking so long?" then clicked over to hunttalk and saw your post.

I wonder if they are second guessing what to do? Certainly they could have pushed the button almost instantly. My son has a chance at two elk tags they put back in so I'm still hopefull (but not very).
I just checked on IDFG's site to see if they did the draw, thought "why is it taking so long?" then clicked over to hunttalk and saw your post.

I wonder if they are second guessing what to do? Certainly they could have pushed the button almost instantly. My son has a chance at two elk tags they put back in so I'm still hopefull (but not very).

Ya...4 of us put in separately, and the odds were 30% chance of drawing. So basically 120% chance...and none of us there are two tags left over...LOL.
Looks like there was one 9-11 year old that drew in my hunt. So, I'm went from an almost 3 in 4 chance of drawing to a 1 in 70 shot of drawing on this go 'round. I'm not holding my breath.
That's kind of lame really...they should just move people on the list up in the position they were not throw them back in there and do a total redraw, that is b.s.
No love for me either. I wonder if the lucky applicant for my unit even knows they've drawn?
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