Idaho REVERSES draw results

If I was on the ID Commission or in senior management, I would fire this outfit and I would fire the person who oversees the draw. This is unacceptable in today's world. That is so simple to prevent, if you gave me 100 guesses what mistake could have happened with their draw, this would not have been in my first 100 guesses.
I think going with a new contractor would be warranted, but firing the person overseeing the draw is an overreaction. I agree mistakes like this should not be acceptable, but lets all take a deep breath here...nobody died. IDFG, even with the legislature forced contracted draw, has generally done a good job on the tag draws.

Off topic, but I'll also point to the fact that IDFG is one of the only states in the west that had the leadership to not fall for the ponzi scheme of point systems that screw all future/new hunters. I'll take a state with an occasional technical error over states that have a good draw contractor but stole from entire generations of new hunters by implementing point systems.
I agree that it would be a huge letdown to think you drew a sheep tag and find out it was a mistake but they do happen. Sure hope Idaho learns from this and uses a better vendor moving forward.
Can someone post the Instagram video?
I agree that it would be a huge letdown to think you drew a sheep tag and find out it was a mistake but they do happen. Sure hope Idaho learns from this and uses a better vendor moving forward.
Can someone post the Instagram video?
Just Google it. I did, and I don't even have instagram
Idk, if you have super deep pockets, take the low road.

Go fill your sheep tag. File the harvest report and check the sheep in to comply. Then say, "I never got your
email, probably due to a system glitch on your guys' end. Probably a programming error." ;) 😂

I'm with @Big Fin , so easy to proof. Especially with only 50 +/- sheep tags in the entire state. How in the
world was there no trial run made on the bear/turkey draw in February?
In reality, every state with sheep could pull this "oops" and it wouldn't really matter. Demand is SOOO much higher than supply it is inconsequential other than the gnashing of teeth over it in social media and a dozen hunting forums (and here I am contributing to it).
Just Google it. I did, and I don't even have instagram
Got it. Man that guy sounds like a whiny little baby. Yes his client will be disappointed but I’m sure he will be issued a refund due to this error and no harm/no foul!
When I drew my MT Sheep tag years ago with just a few bonus pts, I was so sure it was a mistake that I didn't tell anyone for a week. I was expecting a call telling me it was a mistake
He’s the idiot. iDFG would break state law to issue the tags.

The draw worked fine when IDFG ran it. However, conspiracy theorist thought without evidence that IDFG was skimming tags to IDFG commissioners. Solution - third party licensing vendor at an expensive price. Who messed up the draw, third party licensing system created by the legislature.

The old system worked fine before certain legislators thought they could manage wildlife better than IDFG.
We have a winner! IDFG ran the draws fine. I get that this would be a super let down but we need to get over feeling like people owe us something. It was a screw up move on or maybe you could sue for your pain and suffering lol
Regardless if you like huntin fool or not they have a right to be pissed. They’re running a company and this “glitch” screwed up stuff for them, clients, outfitters etc.
I doubt it screwed up anything for them. Their clients will get a refund from IDFG and I’m sure the outfitter will refund the deposit due to the “glitch”.
Did he recieve actual tag in mail or even will he in next couple days? Idaho is usually pretty quick with deer and elk tags.

If I didn’t get the tag in the mail I’d suck it up and move on and try again next year. If they go so far as to mail me a tag I’m not sending it back. I’d hunt that thing. 😂
I can see the guides take a page out of the Montana's guide book and get a bill passed to guarantee their clients a tag. No way to make a living without it
I can see the guides take a page out of the Montana's guide book and get a bill passed to guarantee their clients a tag. No way to make a living without it
They already get them for elk and deer, some can pretty much plan on OIL clients due to the exclusive guiding areas in state
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