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Idaho results...any day now.

I work for a large corporation with various regions, sites and departments within those sites. Due to the dangerous nature of business there is a rigorous random drug testing program. They have it figured out so that x number of people or y percentage of people from the various disciplines and business groups will be tested each quarter. The HR girl draws the names with a few clicks in a matter of seconds and if we are up to bat, we know before the 6 o clock meeting.

We probably have less employees( applicants) and less business units ( hunting districts/species) but the general concept is the same.

Does a Montana legislator hold it for you while you go?
It certainly wansn't because any legislators drew tags. If that was the case you can bet your ass we'd still have the old system.

However, I seem to recall that a couple of commissioners/IDFG employees did draw sheep tags a few years ago and that is what got the ball rolling on this new system. I don't know which units in particular were drawn, but there's a couple of units that are actually pretty easy to draw for sheep.

Also as a CPA, I find Senator Bair's email incredibly infantile and uneducated. If he's so worried about the corrupting influence of money, perhaps we should rescind the $400k paid to the "independent" contractor.

Yah, it's crazy to imagine people who apply for licenses actually drawing them sometimes, regardless of what their profession is. This Bair must be one pretty a-hole.
Yah, it's crazy to imagine people who apply for licenses actually drawing them sometimes, regardless of what their profession is. This Bair must be one pretty a-hole.

its funny that so many people think there are conspiracies in all states over game and fish employees drawing more can't be that they actually understand their own states system better than the average weekend warrior hunter and so they know what units have better odds and know not to put party apps in for a unit with just a couple tags......
its funny that so many people think there are conspiracies in all states over game and fish employees drawing more can't be that they actually understand their own states system better than the average weekend warrior hunter and so they know what units have better odds and know not to put party apps in for a unit with just a couple tags......

Nailed it!!!
its funny that so many people think there are conspiracies in all states over game and fish employees drawing more can't be that they actually understand their own states system better than the average weekend warrior hunter and so they know what units have better odds and know not to put party apps in for a unit with just a couple tags......

Inside info can tilt the odds. Montana, for example, can add a sheep tag or remove a sheep tag between the projected tag totals vs. post-application confirmed totals. Who would have a better idea what changes might happen? Perhaps the biologist suggesting a change in tag numbers? The Commissioner? Certainly not me sitting a few states away.

During the open application period, who can see how the application choices are adding up? You know, total applications to date and units selected so far by species? If an employee of the State can see that then they can wait until last day of application period to select a unit that statistically is offering best odds to be drawn for a sheep tag or other species.

When McDonald's runs a lottery-like game, guess who is not allowed to win? Employees, family members of employees, etc. Seems unfair to exclude someone just because they work for McDonald's right? But, the past shows if you allow insiders to participate then the game gets distorted and the faith level of participants falls. Just like with Idaho and that little draw event by SFW. And, anytime someone connected to F&G or the political ecosystem draws a coveted big game tag. Heck, look at raffles and see how often the winner is an out-of-stater and is not often. Sure, more locals probably try to win that raffle but, just maybe, some home-cooking where some raffle tickets never quite make it into the hopper pre-draw.

I go to trade shows where booths often put up a prize and to enter you give them a business card or have your badge scanned. Prize awarded on last day of show and usually people gather around the opening of the booth. Major shenanigans. Those are easy to rig by removing the names of non-customers prior to draw or bending a ticket or palming a ticket or just drawing a ticket then reading the name you want to win rather than the actual name on the ticket.

Lottery software code is merely bits and bytes. I can hard-wire in code to make the draw less random and how many of you can read code? How many of you can figure out if the tested code is the actual code used during the real draw? Did you see the Congressional hearings on Net Neutrality? Senators in some cases did not understand what the Internet was. SERIOUSLY.
Inside info can tilt the odds. Montana, for example, can add a sheep tag or remove a sheep tag between the projected tag totals vs. post-application confirmed totals. Who would have a better idea what changes might happen? Perhaps the biologist suggesting a change in tag numbers? The Commissioner? Certainly not me sitting a few states away.

During the open application period, who can see how the application choices are adding up? You know, total applications to date and units selected so far by species? If an employee of the State can see that then they can wait until last day of application period to select a unit that statistically is offering best odds to be drawn for a sheep tag or other species.

When McDonald's runs a lottery-like game, guess who is not allowed to win? Employees, family members of employees, etc. Seems unfair to exclude someone just because they work for McDonald's right? But, the past shows if you allow insiders to participate then the game gets distorted and the faith level of participants falls. Just like with Idaho and that little draw event by SFW. And, anytime someone connected to F&G or the political ecosystem draws a coveted big game tag. Heck, look at raffles and see how often the winner is an out-of-stater and is not often. Sure, more locals probably try to win that raffle but, just maybe, some home-cooking where some raffle tickets never quite make it into the hopper pre-draw.

I go to trade shows where booths often put up a prize and to enter you give them a business card or have your badge scanned. Prize awarded on last day of show and usually people gather around the opening of the booth. Major shenanigans. Those are easy to rig by removing the names of non-customers prior to draw or bending a ticket or palming a ticket or just drawing a ticket then reading the name you want to win rather than the actual name on the ticket.

Lottery software code is merely bits and bytes. I can hard-wire in code to make the draw less random and how many of you can read code? How many of you can figure out if the tested code is the actual code used during the real draw? Did you see the Congressional hearings on Net Neutrality? Senators in some cases did not understand what the Internet was. SERIOUSLY.

Cinch that tin foil hat down a little tighter...I seriously doubt any Idaho bio has the time or cares enough to look at who is putting in for what, not to mention they may not even have access to the info and I can't think of the last time Idaho adjusted tag numbers on a controlled hunt after the regs were published outside of providing rain checks after the draw due to fires.

Maybe politicians should be barred from voting for legislation that will benefit them.
The complaint that started the change was two IFFG commissioners drawing sheep tags in the same year. The odds for both units were good (by ID standards) and absolutely a statistical probable event. Follow this with hearsay about IDFG employees drawing tags. Again, I would expect people who work for IDFG to like to hunt and would apply for hunts. No evidence of anything illegal was provided.

In the end, the alleged allegations were used to get a third party draw process. This was step three of the group of legislators who want a bonus point system. Several years ago a bonus point system was approved by the legislature but implementation is at the discretion of IDFG Commission (Step 1). IDFG Commission has not agreed to move to a bonus point system. Two Commissioners were dropped from the Commission (Step 2) when there renewal was up, in part, for not issuing approved Governor tags (final approval was with the Commission) and opposing the bonus point system.
Inside info can tilt the odds. Montana, for example, can add a sheep tag or remove a sheep tag between the projected tag totals vs. post-application confirmed totals. Who would have a better idea what changes might happen? Perhaps the biologist suggesting a change in tag numbers? The Commissioner? Certainly not me sitting a few states away.

During the open application period, who can see how the application choices are adding up? You know, total applications to date and units selected so far by species? If an employee of the State can see that then they can wait until last day of application period to select a unit that statistically is offering best odds to be drawn for a sheep tag or other species.

When McDonald's runs a lottery-like game, guess who is not allowed to win? Employees, family members of employees, etc. Seems unfair to exclude someone just because they work for McDonald's right? But, the past shows if you allow insiders to participate then the game gets distorted and the faith level of participants falls. Just like with Idaho and that little draw event by SFW. And, anytime someone connected to F&G or the political ecosystem draws a coveted big game tag. Heck, look at raffles and see how often the winner is an out-of-stater and is not often. Sure, more locals probably try to win that raffle but, just maybe, some home-cooking where some raffle tickets never quite make it into the hopper pre-draw.

I go to trade shows where booths often put up a prize and to enter you give them a business card or have your badge scanned. Prize awarded on last day of show and usually people gather around the opening of the booth. Major shenanigans. Those are easy to rig by removing the names of non-customers prior to draw or bending a ticket or palming a ticket or just drawing a ticket then reading the name you want to win rather than the actual name on the ticket.

Lottery software code is merely bits and bytes. I can hard-wire in code to make the draw less random and how many of you can read code? How many of you can figure out if the tested code is the actual code used during the real draw? Did you see the Congressional hearings on Net Neutrality? Senators in some cases did not understand what the Internet was. SERIOUSLY.

Most if not all the IDFG biologists I know that hunt and that have drawn OIL tags don't even hardly know how to use the old licensing system let alone would have the ability to hack into the draw system to see numbers of applications. The front office people are the ones that are skilled at the computer systems and I don't think the ladies that work the front in Idaho falls are putting in for sheep and goat tags.....
Regardless of whether there was foul play, I think it can be agreed that this was a huge cluster and they obviously chose a crappy vendor. Thank goodness there are no bonus points to consider or we wouldn't find out who drew until November if we were lucky.

I will also say that regardless of whether the employees rigged it or not, I saw a comment that the results were delayed again so IDFG could look them over. If the purpose was transparency, they just wasted $400,000. The ONLY thing the third party vendor should have to "report" to IDFG is that no more than 10% of tags went to nonresident applicants.
I saw a comment that the results were delayed again so IDFG could look them over. If the purpose was transparency, they just wasted $400,000. The ONLY thing the third party vendor should have to "report" to IDFG is that no more than 10% of tags went to nonresident applicants.

It wouldn't be a real Idaho draw unless there was some sort of screw-up or delay along the way. I can't remember the last year a draw year went without a hiccup or delay. Seriously though, I doubt there is another state that has to deal with as many privileged "me-first" applicants than Idaho....maybe Utah?
If we ever get results, Idaho should immediately let us put in for 2019 so that they have enough time to pull the numbers before that season starts. I used to be for a bonus point system in Idaho, but truly feel that the math is simply to hard for those responsible for doing the draw.
It's ironic that the title reads "idaho draw results any day" and was posted may 15th. Oh Idaho you tease.
And if the system ever went to bonus points SQUARED....holy hell their heads would explode at just the thought of exponents! Haha
Inside info can tilt the odds. Montana, for example, can add a sheep tag or remove a sheep tag between the projected tag totals vs. post-application confirmed totals. Who would have a better idea what changes might happen? Perhaps the biologist suggesting a change in tag numbers? The Commissioner? Certainly not me sitting a few states away.

During the open application period, who can see how the application choices are adding up? You know, total applications to date and units selected so far by species? If an employee of the State can see that then they can wait until last day of application period to select a unit that statistically is offering best odds to be drawn for a sheep tag or other species.

When McDonald's runs a lottery-like game, guess who is not allowed to win? Employees, family members of employees, etc. Seems unfair to exclude someone just because they work for McDonald's right? But, the past shows if you allow insiders to participate then the game gets distorted and the faith level of participants falls. Just like with Idaho and that little draw event by SFW. And, anytime someone connected to F&G or the political ecosystem draws a coveted big game tag. Heck, look at raffles and see how often the winner is an out-of-stater and is not often. Sure, more locals probably try to win that raffle but, just maybe, some home-cooking where some raffle tickets never quite make it into the hopper pre-draw.

I go to trade shows where booths often put up a prize and to enter you give them a business card or have your badge scanned. Prize awarded on last day of show and usually people gather around the opening of the booth. Major shenanigans. Those are easy to rig by removing the names of non-customers prior to draw or bending a ticket or palming a ticket or just drawing a ticket then reading the name you want to win rather than the actual name on the ticket.

Lottery software code is merely bits and bytes. I can hard-wire in code to make the draw less random and how many of you can read code? How many of you can figure out if the tested code is the actual code used during the real draw? Did you see the Congressional hearings on Net Neutrality? Senators in some cases did not understand what the Internet was. SERIOUSLY.

The problem with trying to exempt idf&g employees from the draw is that it was done as an attack or retaliation for failure to approve more auction tags/bonus points.
How better to attack a fish and game agency then by attacking it's employees.
Think about who dreams of being a f&g biologist or officer. Usually a hunter or fisherman. So how much harder will it be to recruit quality applicants for a job with bad hours, bad pay and you are not allowed to put in for hunts in your home state? Now add in the fact that as a biologist you will have to work for a state where your own legislature is constantly attacking it's game agency for listening to your opinion over a elected official who has no background in wildlife or biology.
Oh and all of this with zero evidence that there was anything a foul.
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so does mine but also my employee who applied for a cow moose tag with 100% odds last year so I'm waiting till I hear of someone that's been selected
Results must be up. My login just changed to "not selected" for sheep.

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