Idaho or WA Bird Taxidermist


New member
Oct 4, 2004
Any great bird taxidermists in Idaho or Eastern WA you would recommend? I want several species mounted in the next year.
I wish 1/2 .... But only 1/3 ;)

Hemorrage, There are several Around here that are Great. 2 that I can think of off the top of my head. WIld things (Preston Evans) and Artistic design (Troy Rose).

I have used (About 8 probably) taxidermist around town and Wild things is my most recent and final guy that I'll EVER use. His # is (208)850-2856. Preston is his name. He is mounting alot for me and Alot for my friends. I'm even trusting him with my once in a lifetime Ram I got this year. He does Awesome on birds too. Tell him MOOSIE sent ya and he'll treat ya right ;) He competes in the taxidermist compititions and not only is he Great, But he gets your Chit back 2-3 times as fast as the other artists in his class.

Thats my Plug for the day :D :D
Thanks Moosie. I'll use him. I have some quail in the freezer and want to get a greenhead and sharpies mounted next fall.
The good part is I don't live far away...

When you go, Drop me a line (208)571-1ELK, I'll meet you there. (Unless you are going to mail everything.)
If you don't mind waiting for the best.
Give my friend Troy Rose @ Artistic Taxidermy in Boise a call.
I have a dozen or so pieces (that I wish I had photos of) he has done.
He brings something dead back to life!
If you are descriminating about the finished product, at least take a look at the the work these guys do.
I could take some e-pics of Troy's work if you like.

Yes I'll stop on my way through, hopefully with birds to mount.

I would love to see some e-pics. I do want an excellent product.

Are birds pushing $200.00 these days?
Wally, Notice his name was added to my list of names. Now No offence to Troy, but is people can get past his Prices, return time of years and Lack of people skills, and Constant complaining aout everything they will get a good product. He probably does the best birds in the world.

Funny thing about Troys shop is he outsources some of some of the critters. I know this because when Brokfoot shot a 'Lope last week we called Preston and he wasn't going to be home till after 10PM because he was at Troys all day working on critters for him because Troy was leaving in the AM for hunting and had started too many things to finish before he left.

Like I said. Troy's work is Top notch.

At any rate, Good luck Hemorrhage on the birds.
I've used both Troy Rose/Artistic Taxidermy and Preston Evans/Wild Things. Troy's prices are steep, but he does/hires done some awesome work. It takes quite a while to get your stuff back as well. Preston has alot better prices, and a quicker turn around. I think his work is every bit as good as Troy's too.
Thanks guys. I'll be in touch with one of them. Moosie, I'll track you down on the way through.
Here's another one I'd concider. He's on the West side, but does awesome work.
Peters' Taxidermy
7214 224th St E
Graham, WA 98338

I haven't had him do any birds for me but there was plenty of them in his show room when I visited. He did a bear for me that turned out to be everything I wanted and I was empressed with his Show Room. So much detail in everything; Pheasants, Quail, Ducks, Small Game and Big Game. All were so life like you'ld swear they were goin to move.

Water Wapiti

my sis lives with in 3 miles of that guys shop.
she also does taxidermy work only on birds.
I know she has done a few for the Washington state university as well.

I have one of her ducks here that she did for me my dad has quite a few and they are the best I have seen. I am not saying that cause shes my sister either.

She works out of her house and is very reasonable and pretty quick.

Does she have a shop? If so, I may have stopped by. Though I wasn't looking for a bird mount, I think the beauty of feathers really adds to the feeling of any room. If she was listed back in the eighties I’m sure I swung by.

I don't know if you could classify Peter's best work as working with birds. I just know what I saw, and thought everything was incredible. I saw Peter's work at a Seattle's Sportsmen Show back in the mid eighties. It was a full display, not a booth, and I picked up one of his cards. I was shopping for someone to do up Big Game, hoping I'd be baggin one worth mounting. When I filled my Bear tag a year or so later, I intensified my search. I visited perhaps twenty show rooms on the Westside of the Cascades, Peter's was maybe #6 or #7, as soon as I walked in I knew this was the guy to do the work for me. There was this life size Blacktail buck lookin at me with that dumb buck look on his face. He had Cats swiping at Pheasants, and Quail running and hiding in the brush that took my breath away. Someone working for him in the back was working on a Full Curl Ram. While I was talking with Peter's, the guy in the back asked a question, he excused himself and I listened in while he explained to his apprentice how there needed to be more detail around the eyes. He took the tool and began sculpting the eyes of the Ram. After an "ahhh I see" he handed the tool back, watched for a minute or so, and returned to our conversation. I was just so impressed with his attentiveness to detail, and the life likeness of his mounts.

I’m one satisfied customer.

Thanks again guys.

Moosie, my plan is to get a mountable winter plumage sharpie in December. Then I'm coming to hunt chukar and quail near you in Jan. I'll get ahold of you to meet at the tax. shop. I'm usually good for lunch also.

see ya.....
I would be interested in seeing pics of birds either guy has done. I have a greater prairie chicken I want mounted. Maybe a ruffed or blue grouse if I can find a good on tomorrow.