Caribou Gear

Idaho Muley Unit 76/66A Rifle

Just looking for some general thoughts on these two units. I have a family friend in Thayne,Wyo I may visit and try to do a NR/Muley hunt close by to there. May day hunt but can pack in and spike camp as I usually do. I have been getting out west every year for the last 5 years hunting something elk/deer. We usually plan way ahead, draw and drive out but this year is all up in the air. I've deer hunted 49 3 years ago, pretty country. Just looking to get out in the hills and do lots of glassing and find some deer. If you have any experience or input I'd love to hear from you.

Did you ever hunt Unit 76? I have a general mulley tag for 2021 for that unit and was curious how your experience was. Any advice or tips?
Did you ever hunt Unit 76? I have a general mulley tag for 2021 for that unit and was curious how your experience was. Any advice or tips?
My brother was able to get his big bodied 3x3 buck 2 miles back and at around 7000 feet. He was almost at the top by some aspen trees bedded down. He wouldn’t have seen him if he didn’t stand up.
76 is definitely struggling. I have hunted it for a few years now dating back to 2017. I hunted a lot of days last season and saw only a handful of bucks. I think stats were less than 20% success on rifle last year which is pretty dismal even for a general hunt. That being said if you got the tag I would go give it a good run. There are deer there.
Hunted 66A/76 for elk in 2019, saw a lot of elk, but only does and yearlings as far as deer went. Hunted the northern part of 66A.

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