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Idaho Hells Canyon archery 2022

Good luck and have fun! That’s some of the most spectacular country in the world there, and yeah, not for the faint of heart.
Pfffftttt that country is child’s play. Come to Nebraska for a real man’s hunt. Elevation changes of literally dozens of feet per mile. 🤣

Good luck and have fun. I think I’m in decent shape but I bet that country would humble me fast. Im with @nick87, absolute dream hunt for me. I’ll be following closely. View attachment 234891
Did everyone read the same outdoor life article that I did 20 years as a young aspiring hunter? Wtf. Either you read about the epic journey of a hunter looking for elk among spires with names such as Heavens Gate and Devils Throne and it motivated you to become the hunter you are with big dreams of hunting all over the West or you didn't and should stop thinking about hunting here so I can have better odds of drawing!!!
Did everyone read the same outdoor life article that I did 20 years as a young aspiring hunter? Wtf. Either you read about the epic journey of a hunter looking for elk among spires with names such as Heavens Gate and Devils Throne and it motivated you to become the hunter you are with big dreams of hunting all over the West or you didn't and should stop thinking about hunting here so I can have better odds of drawing!!!
Watch out for the Finger of Fate.

Edit - I had Finger of Fate (Sawtooths) confused with Devils Tooth. I saw both on the same trip. So, @Hilljackoutlaw, only worry about the Finger of Fate if you are trying to hunt that area with an 18 tag…
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Good luck! Following this one for sure.
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I had an extra cow tag in that country 5 ish years ago. Looked down the canyon and saw elk, they were safe within range, I'd have to take a fork and a match and eat the whole damn thing where it fell, cause I couldn't see myself carrying one out.
I had an extra cow tag in that country 5 ish years ago. Looked down the canyon and saw elk, they were safe within range, I'd have to take a fork and a match and eat the whole damn thing where it fell, cause I couldn't see myself carrying one out.
That's the truth for sure. I counted more spots I wouldn't shoot an elk than I would. Humbling country. Doing this on foot is gonna be a huge challenge.
A 2-3 day pack out is worth all the efforts. There shan’t be a canyon you wouldn’t shoot an elk..

You ain’t the kinda fella to take the easy way anyhow, I noticed.. if it wasn’t an 8 hour drive I’d be quick to hike in and help you lug one out. Good luck partner
I bet 90% of the Oregonians I’ve talked to have never been to Hells Canyon. Most say something like I’ve been to eastern Oregon I’ve been to Bend. Idiots. For those of you looking to explore off the freeway; Go north from either Baker or Lagrande watch the signs for Hells Canyon. Stop for lunch and a few supplies in Imnaha, don’t think they have gas in town right now, but the Bar/store/post office/sheriffs office will we a good stop anyway. Lot of history. You can drive all the way to Hat point in a Honda, but life will be better in an suv. It’ll take a few hours if you keep moving but the views are worth it when you stop. It's a rock road, it's narrow and only a couple of guard rails. Pay attention on the curves, there are plenty of them. When you see traffic coming, particularly log trucks, use the turn out, you'll loose the argument.
Well worth camping a night or two once your there. Lots of fantastic camp sights, think about lighting when picking your spot.
Deer, Elk, Rocky Mountain goats, Big horn sheep, bear, mountain lion wolves.
Point being Hilljack is headed into one of the most challenging pieces of real estate anywhere. I've spent hours looking across to Idaho, no less inspiring.
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You can drive all the way to Hat point in a Honda, but live will be better in an suv. It’ll take two hours if you keep moving but the views are worth it.
My parents did just that in their car, late fall, cold and windy. Turned around and ran into 17 trees across the road trying to get back out. Being in the car they didn't have crap for tools. Dad had to break, drag, or "cut" them with a tire-iron and rock. Took 8 hrs.
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