
Idaho Forum Members Sound Off!!!!

hi jeff again any one here give me advice on hunting a hunting a antelope in unit29a get back to me please
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From New River AZ. Live in Mt Home Idaho, Hunt Sawtooths, Smokey Mountains, Wiser River zone, and hopefully Dwarshack Zone this fall for a white tail.
John L. Live in Meridian, work at Micron. Grew up in Blackfoot, mainly hunted 50 & 51. We now hunt in the Weiser zone. idnative1948 is my brother.
Live in mtn home. From PA by way of the USAF. Been here since 2010 and I hunt everywhere I get the chance. 15,39,41,42,43,44,48 and drew a rifle bull tag for 29 this year.
Lived in Idaho since 1994, married a girl from Rigby and never left. Have lived in Georgetown, Rigby and now just out of Menan. Work in Idaho Falls. My favorite units are 30a and 30, but also spend time hunting 61, 60, 62, 62a, 63a and still get down around Georgetown once in awhile ( 76 ). Have some ground and a cabin up in 62 just off Robinson Crk - where the griz roam and wolves howl.
Bred, born and raised native Idahoan. Have live outside of Boise all of my life.
Hunted a huge area of Idaho except the far east side or far north.
grew up in shelley, live in Blackfoot now. diamond creek and tex creek zones are my cup of tea. hunted elk one year with a bow in 54! that was a rush! fishing the blackfoot river in early spring and late fall is my fav thing to do when I don't have a good tag in my pocket.
Filer and I hunt well put in for 36a, 49,54, 55, and 50... I actually have hunted 8a, 36b, 46, 50, 55, 56, and 76
Born and raised in Bonners Ferry Idaho. Now living and working in Alaska can't wait to get back home.
New Idaho guy here! I moved from Wyoming to Idaho last year, but spent so much time overseas that I haven't had the chance to hunt yet. I'm a new hunter, but I get out every chance I can. I've capitalized on the sportsman package and will be hunting as much as I can this year!
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